Transplant shock, What can or should i do???


Active Member
I was advised to transplant my 2 auto bubblegums & 1 blue himalyan to better soil & a bigger pot, so i did the soil & 1 of the bubblegums & now the bubblegums look half dead & this is their 3rd day, what should or could i do ??? Thank you
Go to the source of the problem, the food.
Did you test the[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] pH levels to make sure it's around [/FONT]6.5 to 7.0? :confused:


Active Member
Its transplant shock. Make sure new pot has plenty of drainage holes, keep soil moist, keep the new pot in the same area that you been having it. Wait a bit on adding nutes, just add a small amount of regular sugar to the water. If you do all that, your plant will be fine.


Well-Known Member
are the main stalks sagging over or just the leaves? What was the transplant like...smooth or was it hard to get out of the container it was in? Any root breakage,touching with dirty hands or prolonged exposure to light will cause them to shock after transplant. You also want to make sure just to have the soil moist and not saturated. You want to let the roots "stretch their legs" and search for water...especially after transplant. Add some superthrive or B vitamins right after transplant with a quarter strength nutrient solution and they should bounce back fine.


Well-Known Member
Give them a little superthrive I always water in with superthrive when I transplant and mine never show signs of shock or stress


Active Member
Thanks alot everyone for all your help & advise, Im going to try the sugar water on the 1 bubblegum thats in such bad shape & turn off the light on it tonight because now its sunday & it aint looking any better.. Thanls everyone


Well-Known Member
your problem is the transplant probably broke off some roots and the remaining roots can not support the top growth. hense the wilting. you can cut back the top growth to balance out the root mass and the top growth. it makes it easier on the plant. treat it a little more like a weed and less like a finicky orchid. you can mist a lot to reduce transpiration also. no fan on it at all during it's come back and you can reduce the light it receives by 25% or so. that will also reduce transplant shock. good luck.