transplant or not


Well-Known Member
Everyone says not to touch autos, but what if they did not auto am I shitoutof luk? Using aueo coco coir hydro. Allows for heavy E.C im hand watering. My PLANTS ARE IN STRETCH. WHY DID I NOT USE ALL 3 GALLON POTS? Im a dumbazz! if you look at my grow journal and my jock whores you will realize that they arent autos. Or they are autos just slow ones but big. I learn this too late. I have more cocoa mix and I could transplant super careful what would you do? 2 months veg the one in the 3 gallon pot is a lot thicker although not LST D. the Hydro coco coir aurora mix I'm using is built for heavy feedings I should be able to get away with it..I don't know what to do I get done so good up to here. Leaves droopy. Leaves bit splotchy on a few. Rootboynd? 2 are. I need to hook up a drip or timer and go auto. Hand water sux. what do I do. I could go Evan flow right now! I don't have the right pots but I can drill holes. like I said I've done so well up to here and the one in the bigger pot is clearly bigger


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Well-Known Member
I was talking to my i pad and did not realise auto correct was on. Lol. Thats funny. Just read it. Ill re post. I just put a sweet grow tent in.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who you are, but I know auto jocks suck a fat cock. Why bother?
My auto jacks are 4 feetthey encountered absolutely no transplant shock I cut in repotted they were entirely root boundi've been on this site for five years and have at least 15 successful harvestsI have added an additional thousand watts 600 hps 400mh 400 has. Each plant 3' x 3' with Colas a foot and a half long ,what specifically sucks about auto jocks. I'm growing shiva but these auto jocks are outgrowing their 3 gallon co co DTW hand water



Well-Known Member
I used my Kos for the transplant had no transplant shock I have Jocks in 3 gallon I'm putting those babies in five gallons. They vegged for about a month I'd say I have a month to go two on one plant

