translpanting with stem


Well-Known Member
Continuing and editing my last thread (it's kinda long so I bolded the important parts):

My plants are about 12 weeks old, roughly 4 weeks into flowering. They are outdoor (balcony, about 5 hours of direct sunlight), 3 girls in the same pot (my first grow. was too late when i found out). The pot is not big, i'm not sure how big but you can see in the picture by comparing to the 1.5 liter bottle next to it. They are bagseed sativa strain from the middle east (skunk-weed). The summer has been hot - they have gone through heat waves in my town - over 100 degrees sometimes, with no apparent trouble - and only now when temps are a bit cooler recently they are showing bad signs.

I'm pretty sure they're root-bound - when I stick my finger in the soil, at about 1.5" deep I encounter a hard, practically impenetrable layer. There was a period of intense heat when i used to water everyday with not much water, now I water every 2-3 days with a pot-load of water. The soil is plant-shop soil, came fertilized, and pH value is over 7.5 (this is also the pH of the tap-water where I grow).

There were also a few days in the past week that I would bring them inside after direct sunlight is over (the afterrnoon) and give them HPS 250 for 3 hours, then back outside for the night.

Also 4 days ago I gave them nutes (bio-bloom) for the first time in months. No sign of poisoning, though some leaves do have burnt edges, but not spiraling inwards. (is that even possible after 1 well-diluted ferting?).

Other than that they're healthy - no sign of bugs.

The problem: Plant leaves are curling down, almost all of them, even on the top buds. becoming thin. The bottom leaves are also becoming yellow, I think this is normal though. see photos. I am not sure if this ok or not at this stage, but im seeing to repair it. Today I flushed the pot with acidic water (~5 ph). This did not really reduce the pH which I hope will happen after some waterings. Should I fert after this flush? if so, by how much?

I'm also thinking about transplanting them into a bigger pot. I know this is not usually done this late into flowering, but in the case of 3 plants in 1 pot, the hydro shop keeper who is smart and experienced recommended a transplant. So I'm still considering it - I don't want to stress them out or lengthen the flowering period either.

So to summarize my questions:

1. What do you think is the main cause for my problem. Heat? Root-bound? high pH? nute deficiency? all together?
2. How to solve it:
2.1 - should I replant?
2.1.1 - when replanting, can I cover some of the lower stem with soil as well? I need a bigger pot but I don't want them to stand too high - to keep stealth.
3. - After flushing - when and how much should I fert with bio-bloom? Can I consider the soil nute-free right now?

Many thanks for any advice!



At the point your at now i would leave her alone,get 2 5 gallon buckets ,1 filled with water ph to 6 and 1 5 gallon bucket mixed with the bio and water ph6[get the ratio from the bio site]or the directions .thats your feed bucket.feed once until soil is soaked then when top 1 inch of soil is dried water till you see run off,when top 1 inch is dry water feed once ..water twice until harvest,with a rootbound pot that size ,dont be suprized if you have to do all 3 in one day everyday..the important thing is to get both buckets at the right ph and those plants will be guzzling their drinks..peace redleg


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot redleg. i'm not expert but this sounds like excellent advice, i'm gonna follow it.