Wait a minute you guys-- tramadol/ultram is NOT an opiate. It acts as one for unknown binding reasons... So if you're looking for an opiate high, you're looking at the wrong drug.
However..! The first couple times you take it, its an excellent floaty happy high. I started with one 50mg, and that was sufficient for a while. 100mg (2) was on the bed spinning.
They originally touted Ultram as non-addictive and i got it like candy. Two years later - when i had a tolerance for five at a time, several times a day - i saw one of those lawsuit commercials saying if anyone took ultram thinking it was non-addictive, it turned out to be extremely addictive. Go figure.
Who is gonna join that class action lawsuit and admit they're hopelessly addicted? I certainly wouldnt -- and i can easily take twenty a day now.
Just sharing MY experience. You're asking what to start at, depending on how big you are, try 2 pills first. Adjust from there--- but take this message SERIOUSLY. I'm very serious.
And I've been severely addicted for over fifteen years- and i've NEVER told anyone. I'm hoping you'll heed my warning and keep in mind my story.
And i'll mention it turned into a huge ""gateway drug"" as i also take 120mg of oxycodone per day now on top of it.
The worst part of all of this is once you're addicted, there's really no going back-- with the enormous (and deadly) amount of chemicals in my body daily, there is no longer any highs. I could double what i told you i took and i still wouldn't get a high.
Once tolerance and addiction take over, you're done with the highs--- but the truly worst part is you HAVE to continue taking the pills just to avoid the hellish withdrawals. (this was the case before the oxy addition, just the ultram, so don't think It requires more than that..)
Don't end up like me - looking in the mirror daily knowing i'm a huge fuckin addict and scream how much i hate myself and life.
Please don't end up like me. Fortunately i'm a very respected professional despite it all, but unfortunately that means I can never say all this out loud- and certainly never could go to rehab-- I'd lose everything in my life.
This is my first and only confession -- so thanks for the vent. But the real reason i began this message is to say don't screw much with tramadol. Turns out its more addictive than many opiates (remember, its not an opiate, it's an opiate-agonist).
Don't end up like me and lose your life and any real honest non-drug happiness. Try a few, just keep this in the back of your head, because this is the MOST honest personal drug experience message you'll ever see in these type of forums.
So back to my hiding place in the lonely addiction zone.
Anyone need to talk? Let me know. Seriously.
The funny and ironic part of all this? I'm a counselor-- an alcohol and drug abuse counselor. Fuckin hypocrite! What a joke. But i think my experience makes me better than others.
All my best... Steph-ers