Trainwreck Is In The House!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
great white shark(white widowXwhite rhino) is 100% indica...ive been growing white shark for almost 3 years of my favorites...I get about 2 oz. per plant dry weight..

Oh shit, I just happened to see this, and I think that Tahoe said it correctly. This guy is the most informed new grower I have ever seen in my life, and I envy his knowledge. Tahoe has wisdom and book knowledge that can benefit us all.

Similarly, I expected my Great White Shark plants to be very Sativa dominant from their description. When i grew them, they had leaves so fat they overlapped all over. I think that for the most part, no matter what one hundred explanations say... you can never tell what your seeds are telling until you are in the thick of flowering. Sometimes, you have to grow as if they are your children. And, for the record, your children look like little league champs.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Cali, I tried your Fimming on 3 of my trains.. I screwed up and clipped another leaf stem by accident. It is tight getting down in there, when the plants are growing tight and fat. I just did it tonight. I will watch for the next week extra hard at what happens. These plants are really growing well. But I have a lot of fear of these plants getting to dam tall for my room. I have 8' ceiling, the Hanger for the light can only be raised to within about 8" of the ceiling, and the light is another 10", plus you need at least 18" from the light to the plant. So that is 3' right there.. My hydro system is like 18" tall. so you do the math,, even with 8' ceilings.. room can get tight really fast

My light is air cooled. so I figure my plants can get a lot close then 18" away. I figure I can let my plants get to 4 1/2 feet tall. If they get much more then that, and I can not control it with LST and such things. I will remake the system to be on a duel timer system and have the tank and res side by side at almost the same level. I do not like this type of system, it burns up a lot of pumps.

Well, I am off to bed. later everyone..

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
My plants are now about 15 days old. I am hoping to put them into flower as soon as possible. I have always let the plants veg for at least 30 days before. But this grow I want to do my best to keep these ladies short, since it is a Sativa strain. They are nice and short right now. I have kept the lights very very low on them from day 2, and plenty of air.


Well-Known Member
if you start flowering when they are about 12-15 inches tall they will only get to be about 4 ft. tall

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
OH.. a few pictures.

Any suggestions on how much longer I should go until I flower them? I want to make this grow as soon as possible, to try and keep them short.. but not so early it freaks the little ladies out.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
CRAP!!!!!! ROFLMAO.. NOT AGAIN>> here are pictures... Well I hope....:confused:

CALIGROWN.. give me some guidence.. I have done every trick I know to keep a plant short. I think they are doing good for now. I want to try and flower them within a week or so. I think they will be ready, what do you think? And yes, I know you can send a seedling directly into flowering stage, but I think this is a waste.


Well-Known Member
yea can start next week no problem....those are going to be freaking could even start sooner by cutting back an hour a day till your at 12/12...they look real strong.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Well, I am on about day 16 of vegging. I have dropped my PPM down to 450 because i want to flower these plants in about 3 weeks. I lowered the PPM by just letting the water level get low and then adding 5 Gallons. I know this is not a fresh nut change, but HEY!!! I am lazy, and I am tired from clipping buds from my Northern light plants.

new Pictures once I change these over to my bigger system.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I am going to try and change these plants over to flowering today. That is if I can get my flowering rooms cleaned up and sterilized. The TW plants are nice and bushy now, and I have been able to keep them nice and short also. I will add pictures of them when they are in the bigger system.


Well-Known Member
WOW the babies are looking beautiful!!!!! I am stoked to hear that things are moving right along!!!! ill post you a pic of mine, i wish i had saved this seed for after i figured out my ph problem, if you look at my grows you see that everything is so green now that i stopped using the neptune? Great looking plants man, im impressed!!!


Well-Known Member
you can see that if i didnt pull the bottom of the plant down it would have grown into one long cola that was larger on the bottom and all along the whole stem. I just wanted the bottom of the plant to get more light so i tied it down.

The plant that termite posted looks interesting and the color is very signature silver of trainwreck. I have only ever seen them grown with less training and such but it looks like the plant has a fair amount of bud on it so?
i hope the pics work i never have much luck with that:evil:

glad to see that your grow is going well you are doing a beautiful job they look great:mrgreen:


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Pk. well my Train Wreck plants are 3 weeks old now. I have moved them from the vegt room to the flower room.. WOW.. Was that a back breaker to get done.

A few of my plants got over crowded so they have weak branches. But all in all they are doing pretty well.

I decided to flower them at 3 weeks to try and keep them short, seeing as they are a Sativa strain.

To 35 gallons of R/O water, I added
145 ML each of Sensi Bloom A&B,
110 ML of Carbo Load,
185 ML of VooDoo Juice,
140 grams of powdered Bud Blood,
225 ML of Sensizyme,
60 ML of Kool Bloom.

Total of 690 PPM. which 50 PPM is the R/O water.. so 640 PPM. I made this Soup mix weak because of what Caligrown had said. and I feel he knows what he is talkiing about. Also always better to go weak and build up, then to go strong and build down with plants.

Here are the pictures of my girls in their new home. I hope at least 6 of them are female. They are supposed to be 90% female.. we will see.

Hope you all enjoy the grow of my train wreck from seed to harvest.



Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Caligrown, Kaya, or anyone else that has grown Train Wreck. Can you check out these pictures and tell me what you think. They were very crowded in my veg room. In the last two days they look better. I am lost when it comes to a Sativa strain. I do not know what to expect. Some of the side branches are as tall as the main stems. A couple of the plants have such long, thin stems that they almost fall over. They are doing much better in the last two days though. Please, anyone with constructive advice, it is welcome. Not sure what else I can do, other then get a second Oscilating fan for the other side.

These plants are 23 days old. 2 days in flowering.

I do think I am going to stretch a net across them.

Thanks for any help guys & gals...:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
hey man...haven't grown TW...would like to....on the "list" of "to do". your look pretty nice....full and healthy and strong! good luck!