TrainWreck GreenHouse

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Im not too keen on advanced nutes and such, I saw the other day that THS & HS were found in Cannabis "erectogenic" chemicals / Viagra.
Why would some one add these chemicals knowingly, or were they in a product they used not knowing?
I like to keep it pretty much simple, the grow is for me only so huge yealds Im not looking for just good tasting buzzy weed.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Forgive my ignorance but what does THS and HS mean?? im gonna have to look into this. does that mean my dope could give you a boner?

its probably just that the same group of chemicals have similar breakdowns.

im thinking seriously about going organic and coco ive been watchingloads a vids about coco and compost teas n the results blow the non bio steriods away

im after good yeilds for the commercial aspect but id deffo go with smaller yeilds if the end product was better, im all about positioning myself as #1 when ive perfected the craft ill retire to just groing my own and some fuckin enormous leeks or somethin

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I think its a load of bollocks man seriously i do think criminal gangs would spray silicone or add water and flour to their dope to increase weight i dont think they would pay extra money to contaminate the dope with something that wouldnt give you a hard on lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i can see the market change already my customers gf's n wives will go from 'you spend far too much money on that stinking weed' to 'go on here's £20 ill see you in the bedroom' lmao


Well-Known Member
Oh, mighty god, pass me a dubplate.

Man, looks really great! Good buds, good buds.

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking great welshy, how long till she meets uncle chop chop? I got at least 3-4 weeks till my next chop lol.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Quote :mr west
looking great welshy, how long till she meets uncle chop chop? I got at least 3-4 weeks till my next chop lol.

About 7/10 days mate, depends on how long she takes to dry out after flushing 12 gallons of water through her soil.

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking good my friend, how much do u guestimate the final dry weight will be in ur vast experience?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Are you taking the piss mr west,
vast experience

No more than you sir.

Its got dense fat nugs :lol: should last a good 10 weeks at least.

primo smoke! If it smokes as good as it smells & looks then there will be one happy/stoned welsh man over here. :bigjoint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
well u know how rubbish i am at guessing weight lmao, even wen i try and be consevative i always get it wrong lol. I know its pimo shmoke as my mate has not long agao finished a run from a couple of my clones from wen i grew it a while ago. Wen left to dry nice its a heavey stoney stone with a peppery tatse.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I would say each lower top 1oz each wet, and the main top 6× that wet.
Not long to go now run off ph is at 7, so I will leave her to dry out then chopperty chop chop..
5/7 days hanging (can smoke at this point) hopefully
5/7 days in paper mushroom bag
Then into sealed smelly proof bags, and smoke as I wish :bigjoint:I do find it gets better with age lol.:leaf: