Trainwreck and Misc bag seed 1st homemade hydro grow


Active Member
Hey guys! Allright so this is gonna be my second grow that I am doing. I just built a hydroponic system. Ebb and flow design. The nutrients I have chosen to go with as a newbie hydro grower are general hydroponics - floragro, florabloom, floramicro. For vegging I am going to be using a 400 w mh, but our AC is currently broken so I am using CFL's for vegging until it is fixed. I am growing in a closet space quite small, but I am gonna pack it full. I am as well going to be doing a soil grow simutaneously to see varying results. For my medium I am using hydroton and rock wool for the lil girls (hopefully). The strain I am growing are seeds from trainwreck bud, so hopefully they will be great plants :). The rest is just bag seed collected from some good bud. I started germinating the seeds on 8th of July. and Today is the 14th and almost all of the sproutlings have pushed their seed off and cotyledons out. I will be posting pictures soon, today is my final day making my hydro system look a lil nicer than ghettofied. I am not opposed to any constructive criticism on my grow journal, ways to improve, comments and suggestions. But please don't come and bash on my board or argue with anyone. Pictures will def will be up soon once i make the final touches on my system and will show you all what is going on.


Active Member
Hey guys giving my first update, i should be doing them weekly or more often than that just to let you know. As i stated before i started my grow on the 8th of july, i started to germinate my seeds. Its the 9th day and the babies are looking beautiful. My high res camera broke, but its getting fixed, sorry if the pictures aren't clear enough. So far I haven't had any major issues at all. The only thing that is a lil off is the Ph in the hydro system, its a lil above normal, but slowly fixing that being careful not to shock the lil babies. Hope you enjoy the pictures!!! I am testing out how the yield and growth rate between soil and hydro growing as you will see with my setup. Feel free to comment or make suggestions for me, considering this is my first hydro grow.




Active Member
New update, my pictures will be uploaded later but i am about 3 weeks in the soil grows are going better than the hydro right now. Still trying to learn all the tips and tricks of hydro, but eventually i am sure i will get it. If anyone out there would like to be my ebb and flow mentor please feel free to hit me up. As for the soil growers wow... there is just one plant that seems to be taking off from all the rest. They are all looking beautiful. Haven't really had any issues up until yesterday when my dumb ass dropped a light on the plant, but she fixed herself quite fast. Like i said i will post pictures in a little bit. I also am gonna be updating this a bit more than i have been. Just been really busy these past few weeks.



Active Member
Allrighty so my hydro grow went to shit, but on the plus side the soil grows are going a lot better. I am going to include pictures. I early sexed all the plants and have revealed I have 7 females, all growing beautifully. Currently, I am running under 8 23w CFL 65000, and a 400w mh. The issue i have been having is lighting. The metal halide sits strange, because I don't have a hood. I know people will comment and say invest in it, but right now I just can't. The mh is hanging vertical, but I believe that it is meant for horizontal use. So it seems like I am wasting potential. The plants are still doing great though on the other hand. As you can tell from the last pictures I have transplanted into new buckets. Also a new plant was added from my friend. I have removed all the males, which leaves me with 7 females!!! I am still vegging just early sexed them. I am at 47 days of vegging right now. The positioning of the plants is a little strange due to growth differences in the plants, I am gonna try to slowly work that out as time goes. Hope you all enjoy the pictures. Comments are appreciated and if anyone knows what to do about the mh just message me or leave a post on my journal! thank you



Active Member
Well the plants are still growing well. Unfortunately, Judy, one of my plants, has turned to a Jude! But that still leaves me with six beautiful females. Me and my friend that are taking care of the small grow have named them all, just for fun. We have Oprah, Elanor, Beatrix, Nancy, Betty, and Bertha. I ill try to upload more pictures today later, but they all look the same just a bit taller! If anyone has any comments or suggestions please feel free to speak your mind!


Well-Known Member
what happened to the hydro grow?lol...just curious as to what u did wrong or what went wrong?soil grows look good.