trains, plaines, heli-pains


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the deal, i am looking for any true information on what they really do when the fuzz is in the air?

I see a ton of jets (wich are military so thats ok) and some random helicopters fly over all the time, whats the deal should i be as paranoid as i am? Do they scan randomly or only if they have a reason, whats the real deal guys? Also i see private planes or real small ones every once in a while.... :spew:


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the deal, i am looking for any true information on what they really do when the fuzz is in the air?

I see a ton of jets (wich are military so thats ok) and some random helicopters fly over all the time, whats the deal should i be as paranoid as i am? Do they scan randomly or only if they have a reason, whats the real deal guys? Also i see private planes or real small ones every once in a while.... :spew:
P.S. is it also that they can only see what they see or do they have another method of detection?


Well-Known Member
Well there are a lot of variables here.

Are you in a location where growing is ideal?
Have you heard of such busts in your area due to choppers sightings?

Here’s the deal.

If you are in an urban\or suburban area where there is a lot of busts then you will have choppers flying over then chances are that if you see non labeled choppers then it is something to be concerned about.

Where as if you live in an area out in the country where there is not that much legal activity then you shouldn’t have any problem.

The "fuzz" use many different types of methods, they are as followed.

Infrared sensors that will detect heat from a certain area, marijuana gives off a lot of heat and when there are a bunch of plants in a small area. I’d say 10-15+ then it will come up on their monitors.

They also can sight plants with their eye, so make sure they are hidden well.

How many plants do you have?
They aren’t going to care if your small time. They rather not waste their time. Answer the questions I’ve asked and ill see if I can help you get rid of your paranoia


Well-Known Member
Well there are a lot of variables here.

Are you in a location where growing is ideal?
Have you heard of such busts in your area due to choppers sightings?

Here’s the deal.

If you are in an urban\or suburban area where there is a lot of busts then you will have choppers flying over then chances are that if you see non labeled choppers then it is something to be concerned about.

Where as if you live in an area out in the country where there is not that much legal activity then you shouldn’t have any problem.

The "fuzz" use many different types of methods, they are as followed.

Infrared sensors that will detect heat from a certain area, marijuana gives off a lot of heat and when there are a bunch of plants in a small area. I’d say 10-15+ then it will come up on their monitors.

They also can sight plants with their eye, so make sure they are hidden well.

How many plants do you have?
They aren’t going to care if your small time. They rather not waste their time. Answer the questions I’ve asked and ill see if I can help you get rid of your paranoia
Yeah im not worried about sight, i have that covered ok, but i dont want them giving off too much "heat"...

I have never heard of any air busts in the area, and its pretty secluded around here lots of woods and state parks... I know alot of the plains and such are from the air base not too far from here (about 20miles either way) but other then that i dont know who they are i can never see anything there never really close enough to read anything if they said anything on them at all... I live around alot of old farmers and backwoods people around here...

Are they really gonna fly over and scan everywhere for excess "heat" or is it only based on other information they may have? I'm asking this only because my personal crop is in with someone else's...


Active Member
When I lived in Allen County Ohio, rural area, there were big talks about helicopters. The thing was, according to what they told news, they only covered 10% to 25% of the corn fields and then only used a "trained spotter" in the helicopter. Had friends that had huge crops that and had no prob, or harvested early. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
When I lived in Allen County Ohio, rural area, there were big talks about helicopters. The thing was, according to what they told news, they only covered 10% to 25% of the corn fields and then only used a "trained spotter" in the helicopter. Had friends that had huge crops that and had no prob, or harvested early. Good Luck
Thanks again, i feel a lot better now! I doubt this area has much activity at all but with all the "planes, copters, jets etc" flying over i cant help but be nervous you know? :hump: Guess thats the price to pay for there being 2 military bases within 50 miles or so of eachother....


Well-Known Member
Oh hell eya your fine you have nothing to worry about. if there arent a shit tone of plants in a close small area then without a doubt ur cool.

Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Jets aren't a concern.

Small planes, flying low, and tipping their wings side-to-side are, as are helicopters.