Training Mother?

The V Ape

Hello all,

Not sure if I am just searching incorrectly for this, but I cannot find any posts related to training a mother plant.

My mother has outgrown the height of her box but not the width.

Is it possible to top and LST her but still being able to use her as a mother? Or should I just LST her down so she grows horizontally to make up for her height?

Curious as I don't have the space for her anywhere else, and her stalk is already bending from hitting the top of her box.

Thanks for any pointers.


Well-Known Member
IMO a proper mother is topped multiple times at the very least. and LST is additional and can be done to promote more branching (leads to more cuttings)

I would Slowly start a LST to avoid splitting stems off the main stem, Cut a bunch of clones now, That will act as topping it. When It regrows keep in with the LST and you should start seeing it bush out, Cut some more clones or retop once you get it fully tied down. It will regrow into a monster bush!

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member the hell out of her if your using her as a can pinch and bend the stems to grow in a can cut that bitch in 1/2 as long as you leave atleast one new groth tip, it will keep on keep'n on.

The V Ape

Awesome thanks guys/gals. I have not cut from her yet, but will be in likely a week in prep for my set of plants being harvested. I wasn't sure if training or topping would affect the clones being taken at all. Sounds like its the way to go though.

Thanks for the quick posts. Rep to both :D