Train wreck first time growing helppppppp


Active Member
Ok look i am very very very new to this i just got my prop 215 card to day and got my first clone from a buddy he also gave me some t12 shop lights to start off with. I dont know to much about the plant and how to grow it except you put water in it and watch it grow lol i know about ph levels and all that good stuff but will these t12 shop lights work ? What can i do to make it grow big and strong? Ive heard these t12 shop lights are good on electricty so i will only be using these some one help me!!!!!!! Heres a picture of my clones only 3 days old
(sorry for the picture being side ways i guess im a newbie to the internet also lol)



Well-Known Member
Yeah, the T12's will work, but not for the whole grow. You'll be able to use them for another 3 weeks or so, and then they'll start stretching, due to not having sufficient light intensity/penetration. I used them for vegging my very first grow,(til about 18") and they worked pretty good, but then I switched to HPS for flowering. It sounds like you're not ready to jump into HPS just yet, so I'd suggest looking into CFLs. Those are pretty cheap, pretty efficient, and will work way better than the T12's, especially for flowering. Check into some other guys' grows, and you'll see some results, and can make that decision for yourself. :)


Well-Known Member
That clone looks good. You won't see much growth in the next while because the root system will be developing. I wouldn't use those lights for the entire growth. Especially when you induce flowering, your plants will need a better light. Also, make sure you have adequate room because those trainwrecks love to stretch. Keep us posted. Cheers.


Active Member
the plant already has roots he gave me the clone fully rooted i just barley transplanted it into a 16 oz cup then i will be throwing it in to a 5 galloon bucket. so how long should i veg this bad boy? and i am looking in to some 400 hps grow lights rite now how much would my electric bill be every month? or how much would it be for the big cfl?
For every 25 watts used on 24/7 by a CFL you use 18 KWH per month. Kilowatt hours(KWH) is what electric companies use to measure energy usage.

I'm not sure about the 400 hps but for your CFLs find out how many watts total you will be using then multiply that by 18 kilowatt hours for every 25 watts. Next find out however much your electric company charges for each KWH and multiply it by how many kilowatt hours you're using, then you will have your answer!