..............its been a week, so I thought I would bring this up to speed.....I have moved forward on the flushing, the tric's are looking juicy light amber and the color shift in the calyx pistils is leaning about 40% or so toward yoink time.......last Tuesday I switched Res and went pure R/O for Three days, and on Saturday I switched again to a combination of Nirvana and Cha-ChinG, 150ppM @7pH....................
...........Tonight I am adding the sweeteners and that I will Lucas until the 8th or what ever day I feel comfortable she is 100% ready.........
............My next run I am switching things up a bit, I feel as if I could pull off a pretty descent yeild with this lighting setup, but I think I can break out my 400 W HPS and do it right. Dont get me wrong, I like the results I am getting here, and if I had run 6 plants like I plan on running this next run I would have come up with maybe .4 or better on the backside.........if I figure a way to get all this light under the hood and movable I would use it rather than the HPS, heat being my issue of course.
So I built a mini Ebb & Flow table out of some containers that I had laying around from the move, you know the ones you find behind a supermarket?........nice and sturdy and 6 plant ready..................I will post the Link to it a little later............(EDIT) Heres that link...>>>>>
https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/396221-diy-flood-drain-small-6-a.html <<<<<