trading seeds


in the dutch version of RIU there is an marketplace where you can swop seeds with each other to get new strains.
i find it very convienient but
i can't find it in this version of the site.
Is it legal to swop seeds here or to ask for it or will you be banned from the forum when you trade here?
if anyone knows please let me know


Well-Known Member
in the dutch version of RIU there is an marketplace where you can swop seeds with each other to get new strains.
i find it very convienient but
i can't find it in this version of the site.
Is it legal to swop seeds here or to ask for it or will you be banned from the forum when you trade here?
if anyone knows please let me know
No it's not legal here, don't ask or you will be banned yep that is about right!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
in the dutch version of RIU there is an marketplace where you can swop seeds with each other to get new strains.
i find it very convienient but
i can't find it in this version of the site.
Is it legal to swop seeds here or to ask for it or will you be banned from the forum when you trade here?
if anyone knows please let me know
it is against site rules to swap or trade seeds on the forum.... but if you can find other ways to get around it then good on you ;)


bud bootlegger
yes, as already mentioned it's strictly against forum rules to buy / sell / trade any form of cannabis including but not limited to seeds, clones, bud, etc, etc... :D


that sucks hahaha but i understand.
was hoping to et some foreign strains over here.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Attitude seedbank. It stocks seeds from all over the world.

If you want things not on there, then you do it like most people do, you get them from your friends.


i don't have anything to trade anymore with my friends over here.
think i have about 70 strains so it's a nice collection.
was hoping for something special that my friends have never seen or smoked over here.
i am against buying from seedbanks for some reason there for the question about trading

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
In which case what you do is you take two strains you have, or more if you have the time and commitment, and you make them something that they have not seen or smoked. That's how most of us do it if we're not satisfied with what is available at a seedbank. where do you think these alternative strains come from? From people crossing other strains.

If you do not have friends who can gift you the unknown, and i say gift, because i consider "trading" as daft, a true friend will happily just give you genetics, then simply breed/pollen chuck your own and start from there. I and many do it, and you'll often find something special that noone else has. If it is about giving your friends something they've never seen or smoked, then it is an even better guesture to give them something that you yourself have created :) It can be as simple as taking a male and a female and viola.

Have fun :)


i know, there are eight of us and this year we bread 9 new crossings.
some were nice some not so thats not the problem.
but it stays crossbreeding with the same genetics.
maybe some overseas strains will change that.
when i am looking at amerika i see al kinds of exotic strains that make you drewl.
well see whats next for coming season

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know, there are eight of us and this year we bread 9 new crossings.
some were nice some not so thats not the problem.
but it stays crossbreeding with the same genetics.
maybe some overseas strains will change that.
when i am looking at amerika i see al kinds of exotic strains that make you drewl.
well see whats next for coming season
Then buy a random but good strain off a breeder and cross with that. Overseas genetics have NOTHING to do with it. There are as many fantastic strains in near every country in the world as there are in america. If you have an issue with seedbanks, then tough shit, noone else does. I'm now done with this, it seems that you are trying to poorly justify needing genetics from someone on this forum when there is no need. Your very first post of the thrtead states there is a dutch forum where you can trade seeds, so use it.

There are plenty of ways you can sort out your situation, you are trying to make excuses, and failing in my opinion, as to why these are not viable options. Buy a strain none of you have, cross it, new strain. End of issue. This just reeks of desperation now. I'm half tempted to report it as this thread. I thought we were meant to be adults here?


????? whats wrong with you? didnt you have enough sleep?
but im gonna be the adult over here and will not piss over you like you do on me.
so thanks for your comment, i learned a lots from you.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
????? whats wrong with you? didnt you have enough sleep?
but im gonna be the adult over here and will not piss over you like you do on me.
so thanks for your comment, i learned a lots from you.
as it happens no, i didn't have enough sleep. It is besides the point :) You have been given plenty of ways of how to give your friends something that they have not seen or smoked, which was your request, yet you still try and make an excuse for needing different genetics, and for some reason "overseas" genetics, as if we don't all have the same genetics regardless of our country ;) Buy some seeds or give up :D

So far as this forum is concerned you have 18 posts, you are a nobody, you will not be getting seed trades from here, so either take the advice with regard to creating or buying seeds, else move on.


Well-Known Member
in the dutch version of RIU there is an marketplace where you can swop seeds with each other to get new strains.
i find it very convienient but
i can't find it in this version of the site.
Is it legal to swop seeds here or to ask for it or will you be banned from the forum when you trade here?
if anyone knows please let me know
I've seen it stated many times that offers to sell or trade ceids are prohibited by board rules.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a copy of the actual forum rules to cite.


I also don't know of any other forums where ceid trading offers are allowed, but I'd imagine there must be some, somewhere.


in the dutch version of RIU called jointjedraaien there is a marketplace where you can sell or trade seeds, nutes and supplies.
no weed or plants thats strictly forbidden.