Tracy from Treating Yourself in Toronto :)


Hi there!
New member in mid pursuit of my medical license for long time nausea issues. I'm a long time activist on several different issues that matter a lot to me, this is definately one of them (legalization to stop criminilizing our kids for a plant) and also defintitely medical access for those that need it...
A month ago I was lucky enough to start working for Treating Yourself Magazine and Expo, TY is an alternative medical journal focusing mostly on medical marijuana, its awesome to be working on something that really matters, I love that they are activists at heart like me.. and its by patients for patients so helping me out in knowledge and learning about what strains are good for the serious stomach ailments that have kept me under for years...but like I said I am a long time activist on this for years and years on a personal level, so I am not here to talk about any business but just to learn from and share with the community! I'm just finding forums now where I can talk to others with common interest and that is great. Glad to be here!