yea .. mine do remove all odour ..
and yea .. need to make it as air tight as possible ..
and atlest make it so you keep a littel under/negativ presure in ther (need to see tent be pulld in a littel bit ..½ a inch maybe)..
so your sure all the air that ecape the room go through the filter ..
here is how it is surpose to be
if you run a cool tube ..
use a pice of tube and connect it between filter and cool tube and a pice of tube on the other side connectet to the ventilator that pull air out of the room ..
need to place it high ..
and a passiv intake near the floor ...
around twise the size (here you need to try and find the right size to keep underpresure)
hope this helps ?
Edit: and go for the big ventilator ..
6" as filter do take some of the presure off ..
go for one that you can turn up and down ..
the 40$ more for a nice 6" is a good investment .. specialy if you have high temps ..
dunno if you have a ventilator allready ?