Tough work this growing


Active Member
Think I should name them!
Should I be worried about the yellow leaves?
Plants today

More today....

anything wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
Hey Lucy, whats yr soil, and yr nutes?
That last pic has me worried, that droopy look, kinda looks over or under watered maybe?


Well-Known Member
Well lets assume it's over watering for the moment. LoL
If ya gotta ask, it's usually too much water.
When they need water, you'll notice the dirt actually pulling away from
the sides of the pot. Look for this signal.

Also, get in the habit of picking up your pot, prior to watering and feeling the weight,
you'll quickly "feel" the difference in weight between a heavily watered plant,
and one in need of water.


Active Member
hey guys,
videoman, last week I waited 6 days before watering them... I knew I wasn't supposed to water too often so each day they were still looking ok I held off watering them......
possibly underwatering then?
Should I pick off the yellow leaves?
Since then I watered them every 1.5 days with baby bio - fertilizer. they still seem to be growing ok and even have new leaves coming out from the stalk beside where the yellow leaves are.


Well-Known Member
if you have a base under your pot.. if you look at that after watering your plant and there is water in the base.... my mum said that means theres to much water... but i guess thats kinda obvious


Active Member
Added more light (two additional cfls) now 4 lights up top and one in the box. Box is about 1ft by 2ft and there are 3 plants in it (and they're running out of space). Will have to get a new box by the weekend.

think they have grown even since pictures above.

Stopped picking off the yellow leaves.



Active Member
They were watered on Monday night. When I came home this evening they were nearly dead they were so thirsty.
Watered them and their leaves perked up within the hour.

I think I may now need to water them daily, maybe with the additional cfl bulbs they are just overheating.


Well-Known Member
They were watered on Monday night. When I came home this evening they were nearly dead they were so thirsty.
Watered them and their leaves perked up within the hour.

I think I may now need to water them daily, maybe with the additional cfl bulbs they are just overheating.
Make sure to keep a thermometer in the grow box,


Well-Known Member
and also; when watering, water throroughly... give them a good soaking. this will lengthen times between waterings, and you can easily tell when they need it by lifting the pot and checking the weight.



Active Member
thanks for the tips, will have to see about getting a thermometer, and weighing them for watering

Repotted the three of them today. They were getting too big for their old pots. They're now between 10" and 11" tall and have been under cfls for about 6 weeks. Last week I changed from 18/6 to 17/7. Made them a new grow box today cause they had outgrown their old one. They got burnt a few times from touching off the cfls, but I think they'll survive.

Am planning one more week of 17/7 and then going to 12/12.

You can see the yellow leaves down the bottom from when I didn't water them :-(

yellow leaf on this one as well, I don't think it's as lobsided in real life!!!


Well-Known Member
imo, go back to 18-6. you don't have to have a gradual change, it can be immediate. ie, i go straight from 24/0 to 12/12.


Active Member
Yeah, not really sure why I reduced the hours..... cause I'm still going to be making a jump down in hours next week (all going well). I'll up it back again so!


Active Member
Right it's 10 days in to 12/12 can you tell if they are boys or girls or is it too early?
It's getting exciting now have fingers crossed that they're ladies!!!
