Firstly, the sure to grow actually doesn't retain water very well, it's totally dry in a couple corners, and only the exterior really gets water as it does not wick like rock wool or, as you put it, a sponge. I agree, I like hydroton more, I just wanted to give these a try, I have a bunch of hydroton I'm going to go back to next round.Not trying to come across as a dick, but anything at this point is just an exercise in futility. Those roots aren't going to grow back, your plant is too busy focusing on bud development. That much mold in your system will be practically impossible to subdue, its too advanced too late in the game.
Also take into consideration that those STG plugs look like sponges, in an aero system it seems like they would just drown roots even worse (encouraging further rot). I've never used them but it just makes sense to me. Not any time to dry out; Next time use hydroton as it will allow the water to trickle out immediately, not to mention it's way cheaper. Thats also why you have fungus gnats BTW, they love to live in those soggy areas.
I understand you feel obligated to see this through, but save yourself the electrical costs and spend that extra week making sure you have an ideal setup. Then start over the right way. If you absolutely insist on finishing this run, read this thread... it helped me when H2O2, a chiller, and insane amounts of air being pumped into the res didn't do jack. Now I use this to solve almost any root problem. For more manageable infections caught in the very early stages I skip the Physan 20, still works.
I just checked them out, the roots above the solution are still the same, however the roots in the solution are white... even on the wilted plant - which also hasn't gotten worse, unlike the last one, nothing has dried out, discolored, etc. I know I should have removed it, but I was too busy last night, and the lights are off... trying to do that with just a little green LED keychain isn't going to happen, so probably when the lights come on.
Given that the roots in the nutrient solution have gone back to white (more exposure to the h2o2), I'm thinking spraying the roots down with a 3% solution might be a good idea. People say they've done this with no ill effects, but I'll have to keep reading.
EDIT: To be clear, there is no slime, and there never has been, just discoloration, and the wilted plants. I have to stick my whole head inside the res to get any smell, and then it's too faint to really comment on. Admittedly it's not the healthiest smell, but it's also not a bad smell either.
EDIT2: I was just thinking... if the extended exposure is doing right by the submerged roots, what if I simply over fill the res to the point that the cups are touching the solution. This would give all the roots a much better amount of exposure, and so long as I keep the level right the top of the media will remain dry. Then drain off the excess after a day or so... adding the pumps will just turn it into a DWC for a couple days, which sounds fine. Actually, if that works, I think the best plan would be to drain everything and refill with beneficials and no h2o2... as people seemed to think more of doing it that way.