The total bailout bill is now over 8.4 Trillion dollars.
That's more than we've spent on just about everything in the 20th century combined.
Of course a few trillion is nothing compared to the 1.24 quadrillion dollars in credit derivatives that are about to go tits up within a few months, and don't forget the 2 trillion in "consumer" (gotta love that word) credit lines the credit card companies are planning on freezing up for us.
Welcome to the wonderful world of deflationary economics.
You really think the banks are going to let their debts be inflated out of relevance like Zimbabwe's dealing with? Hah! We should be so lucky as to have our dollar inflated to $10000 for a loaf of'd make a lot of people's lives a whole lot easier with their credit debt wiped out like that.
Only the people that are in debt, and after that it would make their lives a whole lot harder.
Who cares if you own your house, if suddenly the government's valuing it at $300,000,000,000 and you owe $300,000 in taxes, but are only making $1,500,000/year on the inflationary currency? and food is going to cost you $2,250,000 for the year, and gas $1,000,000, and ... in the end you are worse off than when you started.
Then there's people like me that have a perfectly manageable debt load, that would sooner continue to pay it off like I am doing, then be stuck in a hyper-inflationary cycle.
Advocating for Hyper-Inflation, either you are ignorant of History (Nazi Germany) or an extremist who thinks that they could possibly seize on the kind of anger and rage that would be present in a hyper-inflationary spiral and use it to get into power.
Either way, you are out of your mind.