Total Noobalicious paranoia question

Kramer Chids

Active Member
OK, so I have a Piss Test in two days. I have been "studying" for almost a month now. The last time I smoked was on the first and it was about 1/2 a gram. I smoked another 1/2 a couple of days before that and I was clean for months before that. I knew some tests were coming so I have been really laying off. Do I have anything to worry about you think?
If you were clean for the month before you smoked those couple hits you should be fine. Drink lots of water and make sure you pee a couple times before the test and I would think you're golden.
Probably not. I would drink lots of fluids the morning of the test, you want to have voided your bladder a few times before you go. Also, never use the first bit when you start, pee some in the bowl, then fill the cup. Take some vitamin B so your pee will be yellow even though it will be diluted. If it is a 50ng/ml cutoff test then you should be good, anything less and i would invest in a bottle of fake pee. For peace of mind, you can pick up a home drug test kit at Walgreens - if you can pass this test with your first leak of the morning, then you're good (but I would still drink the fluids and take the vit b). Good luck bro, I know how it is.
Thank you everyone. I knew this crap was coming so I laid way off. I'm not a heavy smoker at all anyway. I would sure like to smoke more though. I figure I'm ok. I just wanted a little experience based help and information. My test is Wed. I'll be chugging water and tea. .
Urinalysis tests are scams at best. If it is for anything important that they won't be watching you i would invest in a bottle of fake pee. Too many possible outcomes with your real pee, from poppy seeds to hemp lotions, so many things can affect a test it is not worth the risk. I luckily am able to avoid pee tests but if anything was at risk for it i would never use real pee, just synthetic stuff, they will be more than happy with the results and so will i.
Just my .02 on this scam that has been pushed on our society, and so widely accepted with all of its flaws.
Best of luck to you, let us know how it goes.
Go get a home test from wal greens any lay your worries to rest. Like 15$ and five mins youll kno how it will look to them. Otherwise I'm in the same boat w the synthetic guys.
I have a question (since there is no question at all I'd be coming up positive if I piss in someone's bottle) , has anyone used a whizzinator? IF I decide I want to get a job(just laid off from a place I've been at 6 years, thanks mr president and also the jews up front that are retiring) I'll be using one of these(whizzinator) in any test I might have to take. my motto actually is if the place tests for anything other than an accident (randoms or pre-employment are bullshit) then it's not the kind of place I'd want to work......HOWEVER just like the jews that retired up front I do have to pay some bills and possibly eat so technically I'll still be going by my motto and not pissing in anyone's bottle and everyone lives/works/eats forever , yes? anyone with experience from lab testing and using a whizzinator?
Unless its for a court ordered type thing, they can't watch. I really go w the synthetic. Heat it for 10-15 secs in the microwave (to get it to temp, rubberband the heater pack to it, duck tape to ur leg right next to ur nutsack. Don't use the squeeze lid, it makes a funny sound when the air goes back in. Just pour, retape and walk out like a champ.
Unless its for a court ordered type thing, they can't watch. I really go w the synthetic. Heat it for 10-15 secs in the microwave (to get it to temp, rubberband the heater pack to it, duck tape to ur leg right next to ur nutsack. Don't use the squeeze lid, it makes a funny sound when the air goes back in. Just pour, retape and walk out like a champ.

yeah not court appointed or I'd let them hold the bottle and even shake it for me. I think they sell kits without the huge fake penis (those things make me jealous :/ _
my first choice is to not piss in anyone's bottle but having a plan b that includes cheating a test I'll have to consider. I cheated a test long long ago with my sisters urine!
I have a question (since there is no question at all I'd be coming up positive if I piss in someone's bottle) , has anyone used a whizzinator? IF I decide I want to get a job(just laid off from a place I've been at 6 years, thanks mr president and also the jews up front that are retiring) I'll be using one of these(whizzinator) in any test I might have to take. my motto actually is if the place tests for anything other than an accident (randoms or pre-employment are bullshit) then it's not the kind of place I'd want to work......HOWEVER just like the jews that retired up front I do have to pay some bills and possibly eat so technically I'll still be going by my motto and not pissing in anyone's bottle and everyone lives/works/eats forever , yes? anyone with experience from lab testing and using a whizzinator?

I know a guy that got busted with the wizinator. Thing is, it comes in two colors to match your skin tone, but the headshop was sold out of dudes color..... pretty funny huh, kind of self defeating lol

If you decide to go with the fake pee, Mile High Pipe & Tobacco, off County line & Quebec, sells the i-pee stuff - dehydrated fake pee that you mix up in the bottle like Chef referred to. This allows you to keep it on hand without it going putrid.... :spew:As it does if left in the garage through the summer.
I know a guy that got busted with the wizinator. Thing is, it comes in two colors to match your skin tone, but the headshop was sold out of dudes color..... pretty funny huh, kind of self defeating lol

I would have to go with a big black one, even if i had to custom make it. Whip it out like its mine, look him right in the eye and say "I'm half black", and fill the cup. :hump:
OK, so I was worried and went to Walgreens and got a test. I found out that I have a Non-DOT eCup test tomorrow.

So how will these results transfer over to the eCup?

OK, so I was worried and went to Walgreens and got a test. I found out that I have a Non-DOT eCup test tomorrow.

So how will these results transfer over to the eCup?


You're golden, pun intended. Non-DOT means a 50ng/ml initial cut-off, that's what you want. Seriously, if the 2nd line shows up, no matter how faded, it's considered a negative, you're 2nd line is dark so you're in good shape, IMO.

I would still drink the fluids though bro...
Thank you. I've been drinking a ton lately. I hate this shit. Just let me go to work and leave my private life out of it.
Quick Fix i think is what i used last been a while tho. Good headshops generally have what works for synthetic though.