Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
I don't mind a bit of short fuzz. When a girl gets all weird and shaves that shit with a razor, she looks like a fuckin child down there, and it weirds me out I guess. Besides, if your nose itches when you're going down on her, you can just rub your nose on it, and you don't have to take your fingers out from where they are. Gotta think outside the box guys!?
"gotta think outside the box guys", before your ruled by the box!

Say what does eating pussy and the mafia have in common?

One slip of the tongue and you are in deep shit!


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I was looking for the Far Side cartoon that I took the reference
from above, I found this instead:

Not to worry, as life will be back on greased wheels when
I am head-down, working, medicated, just like I am supposed
to be.....but I will not stop dreaming. Life is funny. We'll see.
(you know this better than most bro)

Larson is a LEGEND. My favourite panel has just a normal city scene with nothing happening. Caption reads 'Far Side Light, Not Funny But Better Fir You!


Well-Known Member
Larson is a LEGEND. My favourite panel has just a normal city scene with nothing happening. Caption reads 'Far Side Light, Not Funny But Better Fir You!
Is there anything you DON'T know. I'd hate to play you in any trivia...sheesh. I was curious as to why you quit running Soma gear. Also, have you fine fellas ever tried any Doc gear? I'm going to bite on the Bubba Katsu.


Well-Known Member
BOG is probably the grower that I still want to try, along
with the amazing Bohdi and Gage stuff you guys show off.

Larson had a real edge at first. He had a way of looking at
things from, well, the far side. :0) Imagine an old style
push mower....from the perspective of the panicking, scattering
insects just in front of it.

Or his blind man, holding a cup of pencils and a sign that says:

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
That's what they tell me.
I am blind.

Fuck! :0)




Well-Known Member
Had to pull the steering knuckles off my 94 accord to replace the rotors. But I can't until I take them to a machine shop to have the bearings and hub pressed out as the rotor is between them. When I should be training my plants on their vert screen I'm in the driveway getting pissed. Good thing my wife sold a puppy. Some 25 year old and his gorgeous mail order ukranian wife. Driving a brand new crazy ass bmw. You go kid.


Well-Known Member
Had to pull the steering knuckles off my 94 accord to replace the rotors. But I can't until I take them to a machine shop to have the bearings and hub pressed out as the rotor is between them. When I should be training my plants on their vert screen I'm in the driveway getting pissed. Good thing my wife sold a puppy. Some 25 year old and his gorgeous mail order ukranian wife. Driving a brand new crazy ass bmw. You go kid.

Hey Guys. Question.......Do I light the 911 Turbo and the Boxster S on fire or sell them. I refuse to pay her money to keep them. Fuck that. Scorched earth time here. No way. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm thinking fire. Yeah. Fire. Ffffffiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyeeerrrr.

On another note.......I went out with the hottest woman tonight. I mean full on beautiful. Great person. Her face is so crazy. I couldn't stop looking at her eyes. No way she smokes. Deal breaker. It's time to cut my losses. I refuse to play that game again. Too bad. Yep. I'm growing up. Tell me there are hot women out there who smoke.

I'm burnt. I forgot how much I loved being burnt when I'm in a good mood. Crazy high. Wow. Go Gage Green.


Well-Known Member
He'll yeah gandalf. See I can deal with smoking weed buy a alcoholic or tobacco user is a no no. My woman enjoy her wine from time to time and I encourage red wine use but a sloppy and stinky woman nah.. There are plenty of hot woman out there that are nice and a good person you must just be yourself and they will too. Set them European cars to fire. I'd buy a brand new shelby cobra with the money. Although my pics of a audi I'm a muscle car man . I like to yank the wheels off the ground and annoy ppl with 600 horses of loud long tube header open exhaust fun. A American v8, at 8500 rpm is a great bonerfier. I plan to start building a custom vehicle when. I get some time, I have the chassis and all already just need to start on a motor, I was thinking a big big big bore and short stroke , huge cam and valves , and be carburated I don't have the knowledge on fuel injection or turbocharging, I think it's safer that way. I have some friends with cars that are street legal and are 900+ hp. From camaros, mustang to rx7, and silvas.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys. Question.......Do I light the 911 Turbo and the Boxster S on fire or sell them. I refuse to pay her money to keep them. Fuck that. Scorched earth time here. No way. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. I'm thinking fire. Yeah. Fire. Ffffffiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyeeerrrr.

On another note.......I went out with the hottest woman tonight. I mean full on beautiful. Great person. Her face is so crazy. I couldn't stop looking at her eyes. No way she smokes. Deal breaker. It's time to cut my losses. I refuse to play that game again. Too bad. Yep. I'm growing up. Tell me there are hot women out there who smoke.

I'm burnt. I forgot how much I loved being burnt when I'm in a good mood. Crazy high. Wow. Go Gage Green.
She still talking to you or is this the lawyers? If the latter, then disregard the following. But if she is still contacting you I can tell you this now: She is panicking. Things are NOT turning out as planned. She wants more than just stuff. She wants you brother. And I think there is a good chance that this is a case of a stunt REALLY backfiring. Girls love shock tactics, it is their nature. What she did not see coming is you seeing her for what she is right now, a total dick. Act like one, be called one.

I honestly think if you are going to make a move, move up close to m4k and the rest of the Gage fam. You can do a lot for them and vice versa. Imagine you were close enough to share clones and secrets... Makes sense to me man.


Well-Known Member
Gand. Every girlfriend I have had smoked cigs. I don't. I did in high school and college. But quit mid college. It seems most females within our generation +/- age smoke. My current girfriend quit a few months ago. Finally.... Maybe a 1/4 of them smoke weed too. Don't set anything on fire. Already talked about it on here. So dead give away that it would be you. sell them for cash and don't deposit the money ... Then take that money and move to Cali.


Well-Known Member
Don't set fire to anything Gand. My advice on women stays the same. You feel lonely? Try this. I want you to jerk off 3 times in the next hour. Yes seriously. Make it happen. When your done beating the life out of that thing then tell me how badly you want a woman hangin around smoking your best meds and eating your steaks. Right now you can come and go as you please. Eat what you want when you want. Go where you want for your reasons. And smoke without a woman's persecution. I think you need to stay single for a while. You owe it to yourself to live in peace.


Well-Known Member
guess this got outta control lmao. but what the hell nothing else goes on here no one really says shit they just simply slip in to look at your pics and leave with no comment unless its about the CLUB entering ones ass. any how you guys are simply hilarious but on the serious note if us newbies ask answer mutha fuckas. don't be rude


Well-Known Member
guess this got outta control lmao. but what the hell nothing else goes on here no one really says shit they just simply slip in to look at your pics and leave with no comment unless its about the CLUB entering ones ass. any how you guys are simply hilarious but on the serious note if us newbies ask answer mutha fuckas. don't be rude
Red likes cucumbers too..

we grow organic. Occasionally we get back on the original topic. Its all carpet stains fault.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
guess this got outta control lmao. but what the hell nothing else goes on here no one really says shit they just simply slip in to look at your pics and leave with no comment unless its about the CLUB entering ones ass. any how you guys are simply hilarious but on the serious note if us newbies ask answer mutha fuckas. don't be rude

Your question was 'what is tea?' and I guess we all just got tired of going: 'Try reading the first page of the thread Sir' lol... Yeah you arrived in interesting times you've gotta excuse us nut jobs. Gand is about to pop some beans, all will be normal again soon don't worry. Just that right now there is a bit more on people's minds.


Well-Known Member
Gandalf remember this...Fires always bring unwanted attention, LOL! Seriously bro, take your lumps, be the bigger person, and ghost this cunt from your life afterwards. Nothin says you can't get super ripped, buckle up, peel tire, and wear them bitches out before they're appraised. Just be careful, LOL! She's gone now, and like SH said, you're free now. You don't have to get a chick to bring home, and settle down with. You're looking for a good time now, REST, RELAX, RECHARGE, and find a cool chick who wants to hang out, not move in! You'll find a cool woman who likes to smoke, I know plenty bro. Again like SH said, you don't want someone smoking up all your stash, just one who wants to get high as a giraffes ass, and FUCK!! MUA HA HA HA! Take er easy bro, and NO FIRES, HUH?!?!!!

Deus, everything you could ever want to know about 'Teas' are in this thread, get to reading bro. I'm not disregarding your question or anything, but I think it would actually be easier to re-read this thread than for anybody to lay out a million 'Tea' recipes for anybody. Veg, Bloom, General, it's all here bro!


Well-Known Member
Its all good guys.. just was wondering what this tea stuff was but i think ill stick with my Veg N bloom hydro way

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Nothin says you can't get super ripped, buckle up, peel tire, and wear them bitches out before they're appraised.
Standing Ovation! THAT really is how you win this one. Get your money's worth out. Go do that track day insurance won't cover, even if you have to take 'em cross country to where you can. I can find you the name of a racing resort with rooms and it's own track LOL, saw it on a British motoring show. Huge green shoulders no way you will kill yourself there.

Yessss. Just get your money's worth and then it doesn't matter. Particularly the 911, I can promise you a week or what of getting to know the little beast on a track will be worth every cent you did spend on it. The Boxter not quite the same, if you took both to the track you would want to sell it anyway trust me. And a plan unfolds hehehehehehehehe...