"Torture is a crime!" and "Bush is the terrorist!"

she isnt a very intelligent person, Id rather not read anything she has to say...either shes pandering to the right wing nut jobs to sell books or she is a nut job herself...Id say most likely the latter....you couldnt find a bietter coulumn on this than one from ann coulter? If it were up to ann coulter, we would just shoot the whole lot of those camel jockeys,, fuck it throe in the 9/11 widows in too, greedy bastards lmao.
if it is not blatenly obvious to you that we are fighting terrorism on the streets of baghdad to keep that fright from comming home to you I can do nothing but feel deep sorrow for you. These are a people who HAVE ATTACKED!!!!!!! your homeland, let me ask you a question if a man showed up at your house and killed your second born son and then! had the bearings to call you up on cnn and BOAST about it I would hope you had the back bone to hunt that son of a bitch down and kill him like an ant before he could kill your first born child. and fairness is there fairness in this I don't think so! I think that giving these people rights to our court system would wreek havoc on both the us court system and budget and then those let free would be free to attack our country again! I mean come on guys I smoke pot I associate with pot heads if they put me on trial for being a pot head and I was so lucky as to get off I would go right back to being a pot head! these terrorist will do the same thing only they are addicted to killing the western culture! radical islam teaches to purify from western culture, they are the hate mongers and war mongers you all speak of not me and not president bush! I am proud that george bush is our president and had enough balls to stand up agaisnt the liberal whinners and go to war to protect them and the rest of this country!
indeed he is trust me when I say this if obama is elected to office his first priority will be to do away with the bush tax cuts! that means less money for you in an already struggling economy! now I realize that you will retort with well bush wrecked the economy with his war, but I beg to differ because if we would have taken the clinton approach we took in 1998 when they first attempted to bomb the trade center and bomb the fuck out of them, I believe that you would be defending your home in your backyard! let me remind you that at that point you would live in a world completely under martial law, that is something I strive to never go through.
it is a financial stuggle to be in war for any country, don't blame your short changed wallet on president bush he is simply defending your freedom!

and let me ask all of you pathetic leftist out there!

Here's a read for you, "The prosecution Of George W Bush" by Vincent Bugliosi. Seems this gentleman has spent the last 7 years observing the crimes of the Bush regime and documenting them and has made a iron tight legal case against Bush. He is vowing to go after him untill the day he dies. He is actively pursuing any and all prosecuters with Balls to take Bush to court after he leaves the White house. There is no statue of limitations on Murder. Vincent Bugliosi was best known for his prosecution of Charles Manson, but has successfully convicted 104 other murderers. This will be interesting as his Book which is already a best seller is being shunned by the MSM.
indeed he is trust me when I say this if obama is elected to office his first priority will be to do away with the bush tax cuts! that means less money for you in an already struggling economy! now I realize that you will retort with well bush wrecked the economy with his war, but I beg to differ because if we would have taken the clinton approach we took in 1998 when they first attempted to bomb the trade center and bomb the fuck out of them, I believe that you would be defending your home in your backyard! let me remind you that at that point you would live in a world completely under martial law, that is something I strive to never go through.
it is a financial stuggle to be in war for any country, don't blame your short changed wallet on president bush he is simply defending your freedom!

and let me ask all of you pathetic leftist out there!

First of all, who said anything about obama, this has nothing to do with repuplican or democrat....bush is an idiot because he spent a trillion dollars for a war that shouldve never taken place in the first place, and because he broke the law in doing so, Im talking about Iraq of course not afghanistan...how do you propose we would be in martial law, what are you talking about?
ok check it we fight there for one reason to keep the fight on foreign ground, just like we did in WWII, if a war comes to american soil it is common and expected that we would be placed under martial law. Now as far as the trillion dollars, I understand, war is not cheap! I feel to protect our american soil from attack this war is necessary. excuse my reference to baghdad that was a bit of hydro talking heh.
now we went to crush saddam husseins empire and we did so, now iraq is under a state of martial law untill a self sustaining government and military is enforced. I believe this is a war that can be won! My definition of victory is a self sustaining iraq capeable of defending itself againt outside attacks. and we are closing in on victory, not that the drive-by media you all refer to show that.
Here's a read for you, "The prosecution Of George W Bush" by Vincent Bugliosi. Seems this gentleman has spent the last 7 years observing the crimes of the Bush regime and documenting them and has made a iron tight legal case against Bush. He is vowing to go after him untill the day he dies. He is actively pursuing any and all prosecuters with Balls to take Bush to court after he leaves the White house. There is no statue of limitations on Murder. Vincent Bugliosi was best known for his prosecution of Charles Manson, but has successfully convicted 104 other murderers. This will be interesting as his Book which is already a best seller is being shunned by the MSM.

Luckily in a democracy you can not declare war just because you think it would be fun, it does go through a series of checks and balances before that option is taken. and I do believe post 9/11 everyone I can think of shouted war with hate in their eyes. bugliosi is nothing more than another micheal moore with half constrewed conspiracy theories getting published to make a buck catering to the left wing libs in this country.
and why would I read a book that insults a man that I am proud of?
if bugliosi wants a scape goat he should go after a group of terrorist that bombed this country, and a tyrant leader of a nation who repeatedly made advanced towards nuclear technology breaking his own treaties.
again I ask the both of you what are your thoughts and feelings about our men and women in uniform! how do you feel when I tell you our troops are water boarding other people in an effort to keep you safe?
again I ask the both of you what are your thoughts and feelings about our men and women in uniform! how do you feel when I tell you our troops are water boarding other people in an effort to keep you safe?

I would say that we loose the moral high ground in a war when we engage in torture.
you know I wishI could undergo this "torture" this water boarding I've heard some who have state this is not torture. I'm not a man of morals when it comes to someone wanting to cause me harm btw I don't think they would be so polite with us. I mean the liberal media even shows the iraqis going off with their head every time they capture an american soldier. I dont blame them I mean if I caught and iraqi soldier I would kill him if I were at war. I don't think I would take the time to torture though unless he killed my mother or something then it would be a long slow painful death. am I wrong for that. probably, but I don't claim to be right on that topic
you know I wishI could undergo this "torture" this water boarding I've heard some who have state this is not torture. I'm not a man of morals when it comes to someone wanting to cause me harm btw I don't think they would be so polite with us. I mean the liberal media even shows the iraqis going off with their head every time they capture an american soldier. I dont blame them I mean if I caught and iraqi soldier I would kill him if I were at war. I don't think I would take the time to torture though unless he killed my mother or something then it would be a long slow painful death. am I wrong for that. probably, but I don't claim to be right on that topic
Be assured we have killed many mothers in Iraq.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read. Both Republicans and Dems are fucking retarded. The two party system is fucking retarded. Consumer based economies are FUCKING RETARDED. People need to think outside the realms or Reps VS Dems... they are quite simply two parties that quarrel to gain power... but the fucked up thing is that they are trying to gain control over us... thats what the function of government & relgion do... both are bullshit. I want to go back to the day where the gov. was afraid of the people and not the other way around. If ya'll have problems with shit... then do something about it. Join activist groups, donate money to groups that fight for what you believe in, take university courses on political science and learn to do your part. Education is power...

For a start, look at SSDP (students for a sensible drug policy), LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), and NORML. Get involved for CHRIST'S SAKE!
Many Americans believe that Canada played no part in the Vietnam War. Nothing could be further from the truth. Though the Canadian [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]government[/COLOR][/COLOR] tried its best to remain neutral, Canadians themselves became involved. It is believed that Canadian enlistment in [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]the [COLOR=blue ! important]US [/COLOR][COLOR=blue ! important]Army[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] during the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Vietnam[/COLOR][/COLOR] era far surpassed the 30,000 who fled as draft dodgers to Canada.

Canadians serving in the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]US [COLOR=blue ! important]military[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
is nothing new. This occurred as far back as the Civil War. Forty Canadians have won America’s highest military award – the Medal of Honor.

When the US became involved in war with Vietnam, many Canadian men joined the US Armed Forces or allowed themselves to be drafted. Canadian Forces were being cut back and Vietnam allowed Canadian youth to join the US military where they would be taught skills that were not available in their own country.

Helicopter [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]flying[/COLOR][/COLOR] and mechanics was the goal of many young Canadian men. Another reason to join was the fight against communism and still others joined for adventure or personal reasons.

Larry Semeniuk of Windsor, Ontario, joined the US Army in January 1967. In December, he was deployed as a paratrooper of Company B, 3rd Battalion, 187th regiment, 101st Airborne Division to Vietnam. In January 1968, Semeniuk saved the life of an officer at the risk of his own. A few days later, he was killed in action. He was awarded the Silver Star posthumously.

Gary Butt was born May 9, 1951 in Montreal, Quebec. He enlisted in the US military at Plattsburg, New [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]York[/COLOR][/COLOR] in 1968. Since Butt had superior skills in marksmanship, the US Army gave him the position of rifleman with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. Butt volunteered for duty in Vietnam and served from July 1970, to April 1971. He was killed on April 3rd. At the time of his death, Butt held the position of sergeant with the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Many other Canadians served in Vietnam and like Vietnam vets in the US, returned home to despicable treatment. This was especially noticeable in Toronto and Vancouver where US draft dodgers had settled. These large cities were often the sites of anti-war hostility.

There were no Veterans Administration Centers in Canada to assist the returning men or the families of those who had died in Vietnam. The Royal Canadian Legion did not welcome these men as they did men from other wars. This began to change with the completion of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Washington[/COLOR][/COLOR], DC.

Canadian Vietnam Veterans began to form their own organizations in 1986. There are now groups in most major Canadian cities but it is a loose coalition. Canada also has six men who are not accounted for. They are listed as MIA’s, though it is believed that some of these men are POW’s.

For almost thirty years, Canadian Vietnam Veterans fought to have a memorial dedicated to those who never returned from the jungles of a country half way around the world. They raised money and a portable wall, much like The Wall in Washington. The Vets traveled across the country educating their fellow countrymen on the Vietnam War. The horrors endured by these men where beyond imagination.

Finally, the Canadian government listened to its Vietnam Vets. In 1995, the North Wall found a permanent home in Windsor, Ontario. It is a great tribute to those Canadians who served and sacrificed all for what they believed in.

The North Wall is a beautiful memorial. If you are in the area, be sure to view the names on the North Wall and spend a moment remembering those whom never returned.

