Welcome aboard fellow stink buddy! Great job, nice setup - I've been thinking about those dual 600W Lumateks, I'm just not to sure about running the 240v line myself as I would have to add a new breaker to the box - would you recommend the ballast?haha, the first batch also had to be tied down quite a bit due to being a newb and vegging way too long, second batch went in mostly at 10" although a couple were more in the 18" range. I'm stoked to see the results!
Welcome aboard fellow stink buddy! Great job, nice setup - I've been thinking about those dual 600W Lumateks, I'm just not to sure about running the 240v line myself as I would have to add a new breaker to the box - would you recommend the ballast?
Can't wait to see your harvest. Subscribed and pulling up a seat.
Top notch!!!
Where is the carbon filter? That "trash can" looking thing? Did you make that?