Toronto Growers/Smokers Hookup+Chat


Active Member
I live in TO and I thought it would be a great idea to have a forum to bring tokers/growers together .Vistors to TO are also invited to ask questions about where they should go or where they can get things as well.Anyhow I am using a yahoo email for this user id so I know my email cant be traced to an address, plus I use internet cafes since I dont have a computer at home anyway. Any other discussions would also be welcome in regards to weed and TO, like cafes ,growing supplies etc.


Active Member
"Goodluck on a grow forum meet up, mr 1 post, potential cop".

I have another id for other posts,but I thought if I were to start a post like this ,I didnt want to have a traceable email,so like I said I just opened a yahoo account,and then registered a new id here . Anyhow I was just very curious to see how this would go. I would do whatever it takes to prove Im not a cop. I know many areas of the city including the market so maybe I know some of the people you know.Anyhow I myself am not looking to hookup with everyone that posts here , maybe a few that sound more interesting,or if some people are looking for things and I have some time maybe I can help out thats all.

No Raptors for me ,not a basketball fan,musics my thing,and weed of course
Last edited by steveK; Today at 08:00 AM.


Active Member
so true willienorth,its great for several reasons,and as far as weed goes its like the amsterdam of north america,and I heard that amsterdam closed its weed cafes last week . Did you do some of the graffitti behind the alleys on Queen w? You must know the ones I mean. I just noticed this is your #420 post,how cool is that?

Willie North

Well-Known Member
hahaha no I dident notice it was my 420th post :D neat!
and yeah I do the Graff competition there every year :) its great stuff

oh yeah and im also into clothes
like the Stores Live Store and Goodfoot?


Active Member
I was in Toronto for a couple months.

I loved it, reminded me of a cleaner NYC. A lot of cool shops like the Toronto hemp company 'THC' on younge street. Eaton center was cool to. I noticed a lot of asians though...


Well-Known Member
True there are quite a lot of asians especially where I am near chinatown,but it doesnt bother me ,since theres a lot of nice looking asian women around . I also find asian people in general are quite open minded and friendly . Before I knew very few of them who smoked weed,now I see quite a few going to the hotbox cafe or buying weed in the park,or just people that I come to meet one way or another. Anyhow "I noticed a lot of asians though" certainly is a statement most people would find disturbing , because it leaves you wondering what it implies .


Well-Known Member
ok so I know many dealers in town,maybe too many,since Im sure some of them may be pissed off sometimes that I dont call them for a while. Anyhow I dont know any growers,at least none of them tell me they are growers.I would like to meet somebody who grows good weed and is looking to get rid of some at a very fair price. Im sure some people grow weed simply because they like to and because they dont want to have to pay for the weed they smoke,and deal with people on the street as well . Someone with this mindset may be willing to sell some surplus at very reasonable prices rather than go looking around for buyers. I cant grow myself due to my f'd up living situation. Anyhow I am hoping if I keep this thread going for a while I will find the person Im looking for. So if youre out there just send me a private message and we can hook up somewhere .I will even bring a joint with me and smoke it in front of you if that helps.


Well-Known Member
I think you're asking alot in this thread. No one knows who you are, and you're not only asking them to hook you up, but allow you into their inner circle of growing. That not only sounds intrusive, but shady as hell. Make nice with your dealer. Become a regular customer, sit down and talk, and sooner or later you'll end up in the good graces of a grower, or supplier. No one here is going to put themselves out there, or put someone else at risk so you can get high. Here is what you should do. Pick up an 8er head down to Yongesterdam. Go visit THC, Vapor lounge, or Kindred cafe. Become a regular, talk shop, and get to know people. Make some friends, exchange numbers and be social.


Well-Known Member
"you're not only asking them to hook you up, but allow you into their inner circle of growing"
No Im only asking them to hook me up. I dont care where they live what their real name is ,what they do for a living or anything else so I dont know where you get off saying it sounds shady as hell. Im just strying to save $50 or so on an ounce if I can. I can find all kinds of people who will sell me an oz for $200 but if I could get an oz of great bud for $150 that would be awesome. At that price I may sell a bit so I could end up smoking for free instead of paying about $400 a month which I really cant afford. I live on peanut butter sandwiches ,and still I can barely pay the rent sometimes. I am in my 40s and I think I have paid my dues with weed so to speak with all the money Ive spent already,being charged for posession twice and having to deal with all that courts /jail BS.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you mean,I just figure there may be some people who may want to sell an oz of weed for $150 because they arent serious growers,so they dont go out looking to sell their weed for top dollar. I suppose thats what many people get into growing for so it would be asking too much from those people. Small time growers should be less worried about hooking up with someone on the net since they must know the police are generally trying to catch the big or medium guys. Not only that but this thread would provide all the defense you need to argue for entrapment in court wouldnt it?
Anyhow I certainly dont want to turn this thread into this issue alone,since as I said I started it for many different reasons. I want it to be a place where people in Toronto could post about questions they may have about growing in TO,about the weed cafes,or compassion centres or anything else they can think of preferably relating to weed. Eventually it could become a very long thread ,and then if someone wanted to find specific posts about a certain topic they could do a thread search to find those posts. Of course once people got to know and trust one another perhaps they could discuss meeting up if they want,which they could do through private messages.


Well-Known Member
WTF maybe I should just quit smoking weed for a while,since it would give me a chance to save some cash,and Id probably get more work done in that time. I still hope this thread will grow though since it would be very cool for toronto to have its own general kind of thread here.Check out this biggest joint ever being smoked at queens park
and this video from the hotbox cafe which all tourists should go to and smoke your weed on the back patio,