Tops of plants dying, help appreciated please.

for some strange reason the tops of 2 of my plants look like they're dying, about a week ago the front middle started showing some signs of brown leaves, I've been away from them for a week and return to find the top pretty much dead, its very dry and the top 1/2" just broke off when I squeezed it.
I've also noticed the rear middle one starting to show the same signs, temps low 20's, good circulation etc, they need a feed which they'll get in the morning.
Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? the rear middle is tall, front middle short so it's not down to them being too close to the light and that causing them to dry out, I'm a couple of weeks away from starting to harvest, trichs are all cloudy so just waiting for the amber to appear then I'm good to go :mrgreen: I'm just wondering why 2 have started to dry out, canna a&b is used and they had canna pk 13/14 a couple of weeks ago, any other info I've missed let me know.
thank you
first photo of whole grow, 2nd and 3rd front middle, 4th rear middle, 5th is what the other buds look like.



Well-Known Member
Have you checked for bud rot?

I would slice one of them dead ones open. If you see mold, remove them completely. Good luck.
Have you checked for bud rot?

I would slice one of them dead ones open. If you see mold, remove them completely. Good luck.
not checked for bud rot, no idea what bud rot is, I'll search the interwebz later, even tho its dead its covered in shitloads of cloudy trichs, so I did pull apart the bit that snapped off and it just looks dead, no sign of mold, so I stuck it in a rizla and its blown the top of my head off :lol:
They look a little dry, maybe spray them with water or nutrients after the light's go out.
I'd say the top of the front one is pretty much dead, I rekon if I bent it, it would just snap off, think its prob too far gone so I'll prob chop the dead bit off later and use it for further qc purposes.

thanks to both of you :hug:


Well-Known Member
not checked for bud rot, no idea what bud rot is, I'll search the interwebz later, even tho its dead its covered in shitloads of cloudy trichs, so I did pull apart the bit that snapped off and it just looks dead, no sign of mold, so I stuck it in a rizla and its blown the top of my head off :lol:

I'd say the top of the front one is pretty much dead, I rekon if I bent it, it would just snap off, think its prob too far gone so I'll prob chop the dead bit off later and use it for further qc purposes.

thanks to both of you :hug:
That's actually what I was thinking of suggesting next if you didn't see mold. That looks ready to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I would personally kill all of the plants that are dieing. If you don't you run the risk of rampant disease spreading even to your healthy plants.

IF there is no bud rot, or fungus/mildew in the buds, you can salvage them by making hash, or Cannabis canola oil, so you dont miss out on the resin on the dead parts.


Well-Known Member
I would personally kill all of the plants that are dieing. If you don't you run the risk of rampant disease spreading even to your healthy plants.

IF there is no bud rot, or fungus/mildew in the buds, you can salvage them by making hash, or Cannabis canola oil, so you dont miss out on the resin on the dead parts.
Sound advice.
cheers folks, I'll do a bit more research and see if I can find what it actually is, I've chopped the top of the front one, its clean all the way through, just totally dried out, but very sticky, I'll give em a good feed tomorrow and keep my eye on them and see how the rear ones doing, its only the top 4" of both that look dead, the rest of the plant looks healthy, if it looks like its getting worse I'll chop the buggers, hopefully the amber trichs will show soon then its game on.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell from the angle, but those look among the tallest, if not THE tallest-did one of your fans get turned somehow and blowing directly on them? They are in a straight line with each other.
I can't tell from the angle, but those look among the tallest, if not THE tallest-did one of your fans get turned somehow and blowing directly on them? They are in a straight line with each other.
fans blow across the middlefrom above front left and front right, I usually move them everyday but I've been away for a bit so they've been in a fixed position, the middle rear is 2nd tallest, middle front the shortest.

sad news though, I've managed to dissect them in some decent daylight, both buds are fine from the very tip down about halfway, then there are some early signs of mold :cry: I've checked the bit I've been smoking last night and thats clear of mold, its from the centre stem and spreading out about 5mm, the 2 affected are showing no signs of it on the rest of the plant but I'll bite the bullet and chop them tonight and give them a good look over when they're dry, to double check. I'll also pull all of them out the tent and examine them all thoroughly, any small signs of mold on them then I'll chop the lot, it's earlier than planned but I'd rather have less clean than lots of moldy crap. Bit pissed off really, spent ages on these only to be thwarted at the 11th hour :lol:


Well-Known Member
A good way to tell if a cola has rot is if the sugar leaves sticking out of them look dead. Not fan leaves but the cola sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
fans blow across the middlefrom above front left and front right, I usually move them everyday but I've been away for a bit so they've been in a fixed position, the middle rear is 2nd tallest, middle front the shortest.

sad news though, I've managed to dissect them in some decent daylight, both buds are fine from the very tip down about halfway, then there are some early signs of mold :cry: I've checked the bit I've been smoking last night and thats clear of mold, its from the centre stem and spreading out about 5mm, the 2 affected are showing no signs of it on the rest of the plant but I'll bite the bullet and chop them tonight and give them a good look over when they're dry, to double check. I'll also pull all of them out the tent and examine them all thoroughly, any small signs of mold on them then I'll chop the lot, it's earlier than planned but I'd rather have less clean than lots of moldy crap. Bit pissed off really, spent ages on these only to be thwarted at the 11th hour :lol:
Try not to shake the plants too much when you move them.
5th pic looks very good. , did u do the same with every plant?
all the other buds look like pic 5 so not a total loss so far, its a pain to move them all out to check them all over so just checked most buds I can reach, the whole lot will be coming out tomorrow for a closer inspection, they've all had the same feed, conditions etc, what confuses me is that its the top of the 2nd tallest and the shortest, one's in coco, ones in clay pebbles, I could understand it if say all the tall ones, or all the short ones, or all the coco, or all the clay etc were affected, wondering if its too much airflow on the rear one and not enough on the front one, I'm clutching at straws here cos I'd love to know what caused it, mainly so I can prevent it on the next grow.


Active Member
I have just had the same thing happen to my GDP. I have no idea what caused this, all my other plants are fine. I chopped the plant down and the dead parts off. The rest of the plant is fine.
I wonder if it has anything to do with bud density, the GDP i have has a density of a golf ball.


Have u gotten any more info on ur issue. Ive had similar problems.. Have u had any bug issues?? Spider mites hit me hard late in flower and I had a few that ended up like that. Either that or possible a hot reflection from foil possibly??


Well-Known Member
Bud rot for certain. Quite advanced too. You need to cut away all of the bad bits (and throw them away, or make ice hash), then cut back a little bit extra too. Be very careful as you are doing it, as bud rot is a fungus and the spores will be released into the air. Good luck, hope you manage to save some.

*this is based on personal experience - sooner you act the better. They will not improve, they will only get worse*