tops of clones neon green? HELP!



There isn't really a feeding schedule using it - outside of starting seedlings off at a diluted amount.

Have you been checking pH? You should rule out an Iron deficiency caused by the pH being too high. New growth should appear lighter in color at first, but if it's extremely pale that's something to consider.


i dont have the ph test kit im getting it tommorow im just trying to figure out what to do until then? shud i givew more N or what?


Plants look alright (definitely aren't going to do anything drastic overnight). I'd just hold off doing anything until you can rule pH issues out first.

I mean, they look pretty good to me from what I can see in the picture. Don't do anything until you have the basic tools (measuring pH in this case) to make guesses about things and make changes.


should i juss give them plain water tonight then? cuz the soil is pretty dry when i stick my finger in the soil an inch or 2 down barely any soil sticks to my finger.


Sure, you can water if needed. Just giving you my opinion on what I'd do - it may very well turn out to just need more nutrients or even N specifically. But I'd hold off until I had an idea of what the pH situation is before trying to tweak what you've been doing so far. They'll be fine until tomorrow without doing anything.