tops of clones neon green? HELP!


Active Member
Mine do it to and I have a lime green plant so the new leaves forming are practically white its just the new growth they will eventually darken and normalize


Well-Known Member
Mine do it to and I have a lime green plant so the new leaves forming are practically white its just the new growth they will eventually darken and normalize
If you think it's "normal" your denying your plants of something and sacraficing optimal health

There is a reason for it, I just wish I knew what it was


Well-Known Member
So far the only clue I have found is that night temps being too low may cause this. I hope I find out the cause so I can resolve this any time I see it.


Active Member
kinda crappy pic but it usually just means it needs a bump in the nutes. May be sulphur but I doubt it.


fuhhhsho guys thank you, how often do i give nutes? everytime i water ? cuz ive been givin em 1/4 strength nutes so far. then imma bump it up to 1/2 strength. lemme kno! thanks again!~


Active Member
If you think it's "normal" your denying your plants of something and sacraficing optimal health

There is a reason for it, I just wish I knew what it was
There probably is you're right but i let it go i see it in every plant it's the start of something new just like little babies. My ladies are fine i didn't worry

As far as feeding you should be doing every other watering thats all i've heard people do but the bottle should tell you as well..


Active Member
yea i was just sayin i had a light green plant an the new leaves same spot were almost white and after a few days they normalize


Active Member
Looks LIGHT in N not alot, the plant will live just fine but you can push some N into the soil.
PS no two plants are the same.. same ferts/soil/water is not = each plant is a solo unit.. in soil

also looks to dry.. leaves cuping up to save water

smokey de bear

Active Member
I like to mix some blood meal with the top 2 inches of soil so when I water it leeches some into it, I mix in blood or bone meal with the soil depending what stage they're at. What kind of Nutrients you using, Were pretty broke ass so we managed to get by for a while with wally world and CT specials such as MG all purpose for Veg. But we finally coughed up the dough to buy some advanced nutrients, micro nutrients because I found MG lack these, and some bloom food cause I didn't like the high N values found on common name brand stuff.

But like I was saying if you start practicing enriching your soil I find it easier to give em a little dash extra in a water solution later if need be, check out Subcool's Super soil recipe that's what I'm using from now on you just need pretty much half super soil and half normal soil and not have to feed em nothing but water from start to finish.


well im using the lucas formula , GH bloom and micro , so the plants are lacking nitrogen? how would i give them a lil boost of that shit?


Well-Known Member
well im using the lucas formula , GH bloom and micro , so the plants are lacking nitrogen? how would i give them a lil boost of that shit?
pretty sure you just gotta use more micro when your N is low

You probably don't need to change the ratio of micro and bloom though, just make your feed stronger

whatever your feeding them now increase it by 15%

I got the same problem with my plants. I'm going to raise the EC from 900 to 1100ppm. Also got bottom leaves falling off fast so they are getting hungry


ok so if i have been feeding em 2.5 ml of micro and 5 ml of bloom i juss bump the micro strenghth up to like 3 ml? and leave the bloom at 5 ml? or bump the bloom up too? cuz ive had em since last sat, and we transplanted that day too, so ive been givin em quarter strength for about a fulll week now. but only been watering them when i stick my finger down in the soil to see if its moist so ive only fed em i think twice this whole week cuz i don wanna over feed or whatever im super new to this, thanks for the help!

smokey de bear

Active Member
K first are you flowering them right now? if yes then keep using the bloom if no then switch to veg food, the micro well the one im using is more for those extra micro nutrients the main ferts dont usually have. My micro food has less to do with the NPK then it has with all the other micronutrients the plant uses. For veg find a High N number the first one out of the three.

As for feeding every time NO, you will notice many things go bad if you do, they need just water to help keep down build up of nutrients around roots and air pockets in the soil. Find a schedual that works for feeding and stick to it but you need to include just water feedings with the occasional big flush. Which I only do in between different phases to switch foods up.

I stack my soil with stuff like blood meal for veg and bone meal for flowering and other things so I dont have to use as many nutrients with em, nuts are more of a in case they eat everything in the soil and they`re still hungry.


no im vegging and i havent watered em with nutes or watered at all since 3 days ago . so shuld i use juss water or put some nutes in it this time to help with the nitrogen deficency?