Topping to restrict upward growth

Outdoor greenhouse growing White Rhino.

The recent hot weather in Europe has meant my plants are nearing the roof of my greenhouse. I have read many useful articles about topping here but they all seem to focus on topping to produce more colas.

My plants are about 2m high, there is room for them to bush up more but not much more vertical space. What should I do;
Top the plant once?
Keep topping to maintain a certain height?
Leave it to grow and start touching the glass?


Well-Known Member
You have 2m tall plants?

what are you going to do when you flower them??

they can double and sometimes triple in size when they flower.

Have you allowed for this to happen in the size you are growing in?

I just got out the measure and the tallest is 1.8m and the shortest is 1.2m. I have about 2.5m of vertical space. What can I do to restrict vertical growth until they start to flower?


Well-Known Member
You could try a bit of LST but personally i wouldnt have let them get that big.

You could also top them.

You should have done some training earlier than this.

Anything that you take off you could try and clone using the parts that you cut off but im worried that at the size you say they are the stems could be too woody to clone with.

Its my first time, so this is clearly my first lesson; don't let them get so big. I'm not cloning just trying to finish the plants I have, so i'm not worried about that. I think I will try to top the tallest ones and see what happens. Thanks for the advice.