topping shock/stress?


Well-Known Member
hi everyone last night i topped one of my plants.the plant is very healthy but within a few minutes the top set of leaves edges curled up slightly. just as deep as the serrations.the leaves are otherwise normal.plant still looks good when i got home from work they look no different maybe slightly this a symptom of shock or is something else starting? thanks for any help

Chronic the Hemphog

Well-Known Member
Could be from too much heat or low humidity. What are those readings? I grew a SCROG setup for years, topping every plant. Never had that happen, doubt it's related if you topped correctly.


Well-Known Member
i topped above 3rd node not counting the 1st half leaves. used heat sterilized razor 45* angle.temps are 82 at plant tops during day 70 night low. humidity i am having trouble raising. it holds around 43-45 but does sometimes drop to high 30s i know this is low but no humidifier using water bowl.these plants are ready to go into 1gl now and i hope humidity will rise some.


Well-Known Member
i have a really nice misting setup from the reptile days.built in timer for schedule and duration.think that would work ? its what its made for.well humidity. i dont want moisture issues either