

Active Member
I've been reading up a tiny bit on topping and LST.

I read that you DO NOT top the plant once flowering, but i have a question.

I got two small plants recently, both VERY YOUNG. they were being grown outdoors. I brought them inside two days ago. With them being outside, they have already started the flowering. I brought them inside to get them back into veg and was wondering, would it be ok to top them after a few days and they adjust to the 18/6 cycle opposed to the 12/12 cycle?

Or should i just bend them


Active Member
I would LST them for another week or so, then FIM then another week or so veg then flower. Unless you want a bigger plant in which case I would veg a little longer. IMO


Active Member
I'm not too familiar with re vegging and how all that affects the plant stress wise but I would super crop(bend) them and you should be good with that. Topping might be too much stress on the plant. I'm not too sure though.


Active Member
LST is, imo, one of the best techniques to use to increase yield. Because you're not actually physically damaging the plant as you would with FIM or topping.


Active Member
No. NO leaves off with LST. All you're doing is tying the top of the plant down a bit. Look up LST on here. You will find all the info you need.


Active Member
how would you do do it to this Kandy Kush2012-12-29 20.00.29.jpg ive already started tying down some of the bottom stems


Active Member
You don't tie down the bottom stems. You only tie down the top of the plant. Do some research before you go any further. You could accidentally do some damage. But it is a nice looking plant other than that. It does look pretty stretchy though. LSTing would help correct that. Are you running CFLs? If so, you may have it too far from the light. Is it a Reserva Privada Kandy Kush? That's what I'm growing and there's mad purpling in the stems. It looks like someone took a marker and shaded inside the stalk and stems. It's not fully purple like my THC Bomb, but it's getting there.


Active Member
i got the seeds from seaofseeds site, just said Kandy Kush was a free bee
also got a auto Diesel/blueberry on the go as well

2012-12-30 15.43.48.jpgthat is doing really good but so clumped up together can even see the buds
using 250 watt dual cfl by the way


Active Member
With autos, you don't wanna LST. Only with normal photoperiod strains. For autos you just wanna let them grow on their own.


Active Member
you assume right, just going let the autos do there thing, been using CANNA Coco 1L Set (A+B), the auto loves it, been doing a week of feed then a week of just water PH 7.4


Active Member
WOAH!!! That's too high of pH for your plants!!!!!!! DUDE! For soil and soil-less mixes, you want a pH range of 5.5-6.5, 6.8 tops. That's way too acidic for your plants. It's a wonder they haven't all died on you. Is this your first grow? And if it is, you should be asking for lots of help, and using the shit out of Google. Dude, do some research. I will help you as much as possible, but I'm no guru. I've been growing for awhile, but you can't rely on a couple people for help. You should be Googling everything! Here's some links I found for you to help you get started:;; That should get you started. Did you just start this on a whim without doing any research?


Active Member
I did a Super Skunk last year outside2012-10-26 21.29.26.jpg2012-10-26 21.29.37.jpg2012-10-26 21.29.49.jpg2012-10-26 21.30.02.jpg Got some nice buds of it,
so decided on trying some indoor growing and ordered some seeds of sos, went for autos mainly the KK was free, so yea i am new to this
The Wife suffers from back pain and decided on trying growing, will deffo look at them sites and all the help is needed thanks


Active Member
No problem. I know what it's like to be a newbie. Those autos are a really great way to go for noobies. You don't have to put as much work into them as with regular photoperiods. My cousin grew out a bunch of autos over the fall and we both got a bunch of experience with them. I'm not an expert, by no means, but now I know how to grow autos to pretty much their full potential. He bought and grew about 30 autos. A bunch of different ones too. We got some dwarfs, some regular autos, and some really tall ones. It was his money and grow space/gear, but we camped out in his garage literally for a week, just smoking pot and running crazy experiments, with me being the sidekick. Lol. It was actually pretty fun.


Active Member
Autos are new to me and i already like what i see, just sticking to two plants at a time, and try to sort out a grow all year instead of getting shitty deals,
that must have been one crazy week in the garage


Active Member
Oh yeah. It was crazy. We had all kinds of shit going on. Because I'm the math geek out of us, I was writing and re-writing out formulas for ever experiment we ran. And for all the pot we smoked and the whiskey we drank, we literally barely slept. I mean, a few hours here and there. And we slept in shifts. I never done anything like that. Sort of, but not for a week.