Topping!!.......Just a little dicusion involving topping


Hey guys
Just a little while ago someone showed me a little trick called topping.Now topping is when you take the top crown and cut it out so that two crowns form.I am somewhat new to this so im going to post some pics of the plants i topped not too long ago and feel free to leave some advice,tips,secrets or any knowledge on the issue that you guys have locked away deep in your brains hahaha.I never got showed exactley how to do this i just kinda heard about how to do it and then gave it a shot on some of my less important plants (i believe all my plants are important just a figure of speech hahah) and ive had some pretty good success with it.But with being new to this trick i would love to hear some input from the rest of you guys thanks!



Well-Known Member
In all the test that i have done,by this i mean topping two and letting two just do there own thing.The results were very interesting by topping you are setting your self back by at least 7/12 days,the two colas that you will get from a topped plant is no where near has heavy has a plants cola that has been allowed to just grow.I found that by topping this 99% of the time will cause the plant to strech no matter how close you have your lights.The reason that i used to top was not for the amount because a top plant produces smaller yeild than a single cola.It seems like a written rule when you first start growing that by topping your yeild will be far more nothing can be further from the truth.I have been training not super cropping,by training i mean just pull the tops over and tie of to the bottom of the auto pots or the bottom of the room,dont pull there heads of you just want the tops all to grow at the same height untill at least week 6/7 when growth slows down any how.I all ways have my lights about a foot of the tops of the plants about half way through week 6 because i think of it like a torch beam the light will spread far better.I would not advice haveing the lights any further of the tops than a foot though its at week 6/10 that the plants buds gain most of there weight and most of the weight is gained about weeks 7/9.Just leave the plants for the extra few weeks most growers finish up at 8 week but leave for 2 more week you will not belive how much can be gained in these couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
I'll vouch for tying branches down versus continued topping..although I do top once when they are small. Tying down equals little stress and a nice bush


Hey guys heres a couple more pics of plants that ive successfully topped ther a little furthur along than the last photos im hope to eventually piece together a complete cycle of a topped plant to show the comparison to other plants and what possible benifits and problems involved in this trick.


Also in previous discussion some of you were talking bout training or tying down the plant to get it to be more bush i have a couple of pics showing the plants i have that ive done this to



Well-Known Member
Did you know that most any branching plant will do this if you top it...? I do it to tomatoes and marigolds and catnip...


Well-Known Member
is FIMing and topping interchangeable? From what I understand FIMing is a better version of toping?
They are basically the same, anytime you remove the topmost growth the plant will start to grow out it's sides to compensate...I fim seedlings as soon as the second node comes up..that way I start with 2 main stalks from the get go I like it, and the plants go right along...I take clones a week before flowering by cutting off a couple of bottom branches...So I don't like the idea of topping too well...So I fim at the second node, after the cotyledons, and then again after the next nodes that follow, that way there is no wasted growth and I get 4 main stalks that are equal, and the plant will now be shorter and fatter, so all 4 are top to bottom's pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
I see no real difference between Topping and FIM. except

The way I see it is Topping is when you pinch or cut the main top to create 2 or 4 new tops (colas).
FIM is when you cut or pinch off. The tops of the side branches and yes the new tops created when you topped her.
This causes a very very bushy plant with many more tops.

I hope I correctly explained it.


Well-Known Member
I see no real difference between Topping and FIM. except

The way I see it is Topping is when you pinch or cut the main top to create 2 or 4 new tops (colas).
FIM is when you cut or pinch off. The tops of the side branches and yes the new tops created when you topped her.
This causes a very very bushy plant with many more tops.

I hope I correctly explained it.
FIM ( Fuck I Missed)


Active Member
i top a shit load,training,lollipop these three techniques have worked real nice for me. im sure everyone notices it seams when you top alot the topped branches seem to loose there thickness so what i do is wait a few extra weeks 2-3wks till they are thick again so they can support those heavy colas. at this point i have 8-10 main colas that are thick and heavy so i don't top anymore i just lollipop all the smaller leaves and popcorn nugs to concentrate growth equally this seems to work beautifully for me finished product is something like this.



this is great guys... ive yet to try topping more than just once something ill be trying on my experiment plants very soon along with the fim-ing.......i have heard a little about lolipopping but did not quite understand it what is it exactley??