I think any topping needs to be done before the flip.
I run 4 plants to a light with 30 days(ish) veg in the big room.
They had 45days in the small room...under (2) 600's
I am a week from the flip and about to top these in the next couple of days.
I will simply FIM the top to encourage side branch stretching.
If you can spare a bedroom for a veg room...this was 3 gal lowpro hard pots.

I will pull 2 p's per 1k I hope...I did 1.85 p's with this strain and 9 pots per bulb
I think the cost of tieing my room up for the extra 30 days is gonna yeild me...across a year...more than 0 veg and 1 lb per 1k.
IMHO...you cant yeild 2 p's with zero veg.
I can run less than 50 plants under 12k. THAT is my main motivation. I am legal begal.
For me, myself, and I....that is invaluable.
Now if I can make those 12 give me 2 p's each....its worth 30 days veg.
30 days big room veg=a) 2p's/1k b) Legal
In my situation this was what I decided was smartest.....we all have different considerations though...