Topping info anybody?

Half the famdamnly is Canuk....Family in Toronto, Aurora (home of the original MOM's side family farms, None in actual use - just land, Winsor, Sarnia, London and the skiing freaks (I belong to that group) out in Canmore and Banff! Finished my Fly fishing trout Grand Slam in Kananaskis country on the Bow! Ski the Calgary Olympic runs out side Canmore and in Banff as often as I can....

Everytime I visit Canada I have crazy fun. Its so nice there. Even out of the falls area north ward. I love my Canada neighbors!
Grab them and bend them over to lower the top. Don't break or hurt the stems just tie the branches bent over. If not mentioned. Bend it over as much as you like. I think this is right. Anybody.

That's "mainlining" not "topping".
Half the famdamnly is Canuk....Family in Toronto, Aurora (home of the original MOM's side family farms, None in actual use - just land, Winsor, Sarnia, London and the skiing freaks (I belong to that group) out in Canmore and Banff! Finished my Fly fishing trout Grand Slam in Kananaskis country on the Bow! Ski the Calgary Olympic runs out side Canmore and in Banff as often as I can....
So moms family is now land rich huh :). Love the Bow! Fished there two years ago :) but the kuijack is better lol. Got a line in the water right now as a matter of fact, hoping for lake trout dinner :).
So moms family is now land rich huh :). Love the Bow! Fished there two years ago :) but the kuijack is better lol. Got a line in the water right now as a matter of fact, hoping for lake trout dinner :).

1 Uncle sold his farm to the Gov. So CN could put a track through (2.75M). Complete with a bridge crossover for the cows to go from one field to the other and then paid him 160K a year to run it! (Till of course he retired out.) Then it was parceled out to developers. Used to be on the right coming down the hill into town.......It's all more like one long metro stretch from Toronto now. :shock:

I own the "original Wood family farm". This is where they spent the Great depression and spread out from.
It's the famous place she walked 3 miles to school through waste deep snow, up hill, both ways! (and nothing but a hot tater to carry to keep her hands warm on the way - ate for lunch and then pulled her hands into her sleeves and put them together for the "run" home)..:roll:

Got told that a few times bitching about walking to High school about 1.5 miles away.....BUT, only up hill on the way there. (Should have stayed in Cali on that commune :peace: for my last year of "school").....:-P