Topping a Plant and Flowering Right After?


Hey there gentlemen,

I was wondering, is it alright to top a plant, and then put it straight into flowering? Would this cause any problems?
If so, what would be the shortest period to wait after topping, before switching to 12/12?
Any help, especially experience based, is appreciated.




Well-Known Member
i would wait at least one week after topping before i switched to 12/12. after topping the plant needs a chance to recover and grow new shoots for you to get any benefit from it, and topping plus a ligth cycle change is a lot of stress for a plant to take at once. you will yield better if you veg for 1 week at least after topping imho


Well-Known Member
U can do it....its gonna stretch for a couple weeks before it flowers anyway so u will have new tops that will bud....they just won't b a nice as if u would top...then veg another week or two....then flip


Adjorr and Mr.Vega, many thanks for your prompt helpful replies.

My plant has been vegging from seed since March 1'st. Just yesterday I noticed what appears to be white pistils on the two most recent nodes. So I am assuming with some level of confidence, that it has shown sex though it was not put into flowering yet. Does this bit of info make any difference?


Well-Known Member
plants will start showing preflowers as soon as there mature enough. You can still veg longer after seeing preflowers, it wont flower fully until you put it on a 12/12 light cycle unless its an auto


I thought only autos show pre flowers when mature, regardless of light cycles. Then again, I dont know if what I have is an auto strain. Its bag seed from the some weed I enjoyed very much. Well, thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
all varieties of weed auto or not will show preflowers when there old enough. you dont hear about it as much because people generally dont bother waiting to see preflowers before they go 12/12. Preflowers basicly mean the plant has hit puberty


Well-Known Member
All my plants show something between weeks 3 and 4 of veg...either balls or pods preppin to shoot hairs

Noob grower1

Active Member
I topped the day of flowerin. Along with tiein. Em down I can count atleast 10 tops each plant. Allll kandy kush clones so def no males. And now two weeks ish later I got no herms and the doubled in size =)

Noob grower1

Active Member
My buddies moma plant that I got clones from allrdy has hairs alll over.. been on 18/6 for ever. Guess confused so much its freakin out?


New Member
I just topped my plant today not thinking about it, and i was wondering if i wanted to sex it... Say i put it on 12/12 today and wait for the signs of sex then put it back outside to start vegging again, will the plant still grow the same? I would wait a week to sex it but the roots are over taking the pot and i dont want to transplant it if i am going to have to end up killing it...