Topped the girls and now they look like theyre dying!! Help!?


I topped her on saturday and this morning I snuck a peak and she looks all wilted. before I topped her she looked so healthy and green and now she just looks sick. Does anyone know what I did wrong? I tried to do it the Uncle Ben way (waiting til the 5th node and toppin her at the 2nd) but maybe i did something wrong..

I have em on an 18hrs on and 6hrs off light cycle, the humidity is 49 and the temp is 73f. I water em once a week, should I water em more? Ive read alot of stuff about how to wait to water til the soil is dry but I have moisture control soil and it NEVER looks dry.

Jus need some advice guys.... thanks




Well-Known Member
Lift pot or stick finger in soil to judge if needs water. Also bring your humidity up like to 65 and that will really help her come back. Other than that she is fine. She will take on more water as roots grow.


Whats the best way to raise the humidity? I have a humidifier but one of my buddies said that using it would make mold grow and not to... he could just not kno what he is talkin about tho


Active Member
ok humidity is easy you have light hitting moist soil. reduce outside air exchange while increase air circulation to avoid dead air.

moisture controll soil is ok but it ussually contains time release fert which is bad.

also i see fert pellets in that pot. throw that shit away and invest in a decent liquid or powder nute. avoid anything mariclegrow.

also if humidity cant be raised, reducing the light level has pretty much the same result. sortof. airborn humidity rduces moisture requirements from the rootstock
allowing for more efficiency, while reducing the light level slows metabolic processes reducing moisture requirements. allowing plant to catch up w itself.


Active Member
I don't think that your problem has anything to do with topping. I think it is coincidental to overwatering or some other similar problem. I would let it dry out a bit more before watering since it looks like overwatering to me, too.


i bought that green slow release fertilizer from a buddy that works at a nursery.. so ur saying that stuff is no good? he also gave me some rapid grow water soluble stuff to mix in water should i start using that instead? ive been scared to use it... i dont wanna burn em.


Well-Known Member
As fdd2blk has said lay off the water, let her recover. I would also suggest not using the slow release on your seedlings. They might be slow release but could still be too much for such a small plant. If you just have to feed such a small plant I would suggest something like fish emulsion at 1/4 strength. Build up slowly and watch the health of your leaves. If your soil is good you don't need more than this to get a got healthy young plant.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, get rid of the pellet fert, asap. Also, they don't need fed yet, that soil is pretty rich, and will sustain them a little longer.(another 2 weeks or so). Get some air circulating, and wait 4-5 days, as the soil starts to dry out. It doesn't have to be bone-dry, but getting there. In that small container, the top 3/4"-1" will be dry, as well as a small gap start forming around the edges of the pot, as the soil shrinks and pulls away. Then water thoroughly, and repeat.


Active Member
see the problem with time release fert is, its "time" release. but who knows when.

its a slow release thing for lazy ass gardeners, good for the outdoor gorilla grower that does the "plant and pray" method. sowing alot of seeds and coming back hoping for the best.

but indoor is more hands on, YOU are responsible for your "kids". the time release causes all sorts of problems, if u add bloom fert later it could contain something that accelerates the release of the timed stuff (which mostly releases according to moisture and ph) and u end up with fert burn.

also the sheer amount of pellets in there was insane, a plant that size would die from the sudden release of just 1 of those pellets.

ive used that kind of thing before (i had a boron deff), but i mash the pellets in a mortar and pestal (i have one i use just for non edibles) then dissolved the dust in distilled water, then filter (those pellets contain a surprising amount of plastic, or cellulose based pastic type shit) then evap back too dust. now i use it like any other water soluble fert.