TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
7weeks flowering done and im so happy she has made it!!! im saving the porn for when she is done 1 more week and i will have a rough estimate when she will be finished....not a prize Mj plant...for what she hast been through but she is showing some very nice qualities...and will keep this strain going! I want to see the real phenotypes come out but feel from all the abuse she has held back a allot more like, but i have taken a few cuttings from her that have rooted and are now growing(considering i only took one at a time...success) my cuttings are all surviving now that i eliminated the perlite problem i had before).... so i will get to see what she can really do later on! This has been too long now...and i can see why some said to get rid of her but that is just not me!!! so now i have the answers to most of my questions that i have asked when i first got here!

Can a topped seedling survive "YES" as i learned that Mj is a very resilient plant and can take an abuse....just might not be the best potential (YET)...but still can produce!!! and if one can master cloning....then you got it can keep you strain going, or the one plant!!! and i know one can always get more seeds but will it be the same as your last one ...NO!!!

I suggest all try to get cloning i see so many that want to keep that one bitch going/ but dont why not just do it.!!!...and it doesn't matter when you take cuttings(which i have) long as you do she will survive with just a little mj love/allot of patience !!! peace!


Well-Known Member
Very good advice lime I'm still going to try with the cloning thing I tossed my others they didn't like the fall :( and btw since you are having success with your cutting does this mean that your finally expanding??


Well-Known Member
man lime them pics from 12/31 are super green bro your ladies sure do aprieciate you thats for sure.. cant wait to se the finished photos next week..


Weed Modifier
Very good advice lime I'm still going to try with the cloning thing I tossed my others they didn't like the fall :( and btw since you are having success with your cutting does this mean that your finally expanding??
i guess maybe soon as regga was giving me so many ideas that well we will see? well im thinking of getting a 400hps just to see the difference...but will still keep the 150hps, just to see how much i can pull of of one plant under this(my crazy experiment), still fine tuning everything and learning allot as i go!


Weed Modifier
man lime them pics from 12/31 are super green bro your ladies sure do aprieciate you thats for sure.. cant wait to se the finished photos next week..
shit man nice to see you back bro.... awesome you stopped by man its been too long man! We missed you!

Next week think I will post a few for very soon" godfather" lol, just as a celebratory Welcome Back Regga!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
right on man i been getting lots of people gracing me with but porn, i feel so honored.. cant wait to c her..


Weed Modifier
those are absolutely beautiful, you can tell your Canadian! hahaha.. jus jokin everyone else, Lime gets it tho, nice and green just like Reggae said!
F'n Aye brother!!! you know it!!!.....thanks man! sorry i did not make it to you thread man i harvested ww and was up all night with everything going on yah know!!! but i will stop by off to work though but will pop by eventually? sheesh hey....and i have benn following you grow man just been sorta quite lately...but im coming out now!!! lol

but she is not so green nomore...haha well being 50days flowering now!!!she is turning Purple in some places/yellow in others!! lol!... i will be updating when i get off work tonight!!!


Well-Known Member
F'n Aye brother!!! you know it!!!.....thanks man! sorry i did not make it to you thread man i harvested ww and was up all night with everything going on yah know!!! but i will stop by off to work though but will pop by eventually? sheesh hey....and i have benn following you grow man just been sorta quite lately...but im coming out now!!! lol

but she is not so green nomore...haha well being 50days flowering now!!!she is turning Purple in some places/yellow in others!! lol!... i will be updating when i get off work tonight!!!

thats awsome man love the reply, and no worries, my thread is slow, havent really posted any questions or anything but there are some nice update pics in there.. have a good shift man ttyl.


Well-Known Member
well here is one i just came across just now!!! had to share it....woohhooo!!! do you see what i see???:leaf:

View attachment 1372958
just from that picture man it looks like a strain simply called Haze from

here is the link>>>

ive ordered from this company 3 times i think, good quality and i got 20 free seeds with each order, i ordered seperatley 3 times for that reason and shipping isnt expensive so the 20 are still close to free if u think about it.

i purchased Aussie Blues & Carmelicious.. i forget if i ordered any others, i ordered a B52 aswell but i think that was from


Well-Known Member
Lime how do you keep them leaves so shiny and green? Neem oil? ive herd of ppl using that about once a week just to keep everything healthy and green and clear of pests.. thought about doing that soon to my 3 ladies at my place.


Weed Modifier
Lime how do you keep them leaves so shiny and green? Neem oil? ive herd of ppl using that about once a week just to keep everything healthy and green and clear of pests.. thought about doing that soon to my 3 ladies at my place.
nope? sprays oils or anything! just allot of love i guess!!! thanks gibbs for the compliment! she is not so green really she has more yellowing now lower down!


im thinking she is a indica...purple kush/cross maybe? this was the bag that i got her from originally ,buds are very tight to main stem no stretch??? lol

and i have not did anything to her i let her grow naturally since all the trama she had in the beginning!!!... im surprised she did not go hermie???


Well-Known Member
nope? sprays oils or anything! just allot of love i guess!!! thanks gibbs for the compliment! she is not so green really she has more yellowing now lower down!View attachment 1373370
Even with the yellowing still just beautiful..btw maybe you should learn to take a compliment lime ;)just saying as I notice every time someone mentions how green your girls are there's a thanks BUT... You know its true so accept it lol


Weed Modifier
I'm sorry..."But" im not used to compliments? taking them that is, and im just being real! i know i should feel more positive about my abilities yet see it as mostly luck! im better at giving out compliments than taking in still working on that one!!! ive heard i have the greenest , healthiest girls around ...i just do not compare....i keep to myself mostly and should just learn to accept a compliment more i said though its hard sometimes to think that i got a gift for this growing thing? what do you call people like me.?...i know there is a category or something the word??? dammit!