Weed Modifier
too funny....guess what? charlie is starting to bud!!! and she is now a plantLmao no lime its called 1.5 hrs sleep the night before! I'm still paying for that

though 2' sounds

too funny....guess what? charlie is starting to bud!!! and she is now a plantLmao no lime its called 1.5 hrs sleep the night before! I'm still paying for that
damnLmao no lime its called 1.5 hrs sleep the night before! I'm still paying for that
Lmao yep sure is buddy called insomnia and work mixed with a bit of attempting to keep the peacedamn
sounds like something other than cannabis
Yay lime charlies kicking ass!too funny....guess what? charlie is starting to bud!!! and she is now a plant@ 24" baby!!!...yes!!!
though 2' sounds better...lolso thats an 1"/day awesome
thats "olack" double....!!
that one was my straight bubba kush seed feminized I searched real hard for the culprit that ate her leaves... was pissed lol my only good seed the rest were bubba mixed with cali mexilooking good man dont worry about pics im high may just be me thats blurry
bagseed or what?
it still came back though....success!!! just it was a male.... which can be a good thing sometimes... like rene said if you are into breedinghey all, wow 2 days ago u were at 40 pgs, 71 now...charlie and the cola factory now huh? congrats again, my lil dwarf went male...guess the stress was too much...(sniff sniff..wiping tear) so its up to charlie now to carry out the message!
Today sucks lime my work fucked up my schedule mine says I was off today but got a lovely call telling I'm to be at work boss tried telling me I was wrong as I was holding my damn schedule reading it back!
Breeding, well that all depends, can I get some kinda govt check/assistance if Im a breeder...lmao....have a good day at work...but as for breeding, ewww Id like to but sounds complicated, although I hear its the way to go...maybe I can learn a few pointers here on that, in fact Im sure I can!!!! smile still came back though....success!!! just it was a male.... which can be a good thing sometimes... like rene said if you are into breeding....lmao sorry that sounded funny???
How is everyone today? i gotta go to work soon...
Just too bad she took forever??? lol 4 months so far?lol sooooonnnnnn.....
ps...i just repped you school me for the +vibes but hit enter before i put my name in,,,lol,,, but....hope yah got it!!!
hahaha good one man.....long haul yes , long ass thread yes...hopefully she will be some good smoke for all my efforts!!!So it is pretty much impossible to keep up with this thread. 71 pages? sheesh. Shes looking might fine lime
would love to read up if u find the article, I went to school wayyyy back when for horticulture and lover air layering and propogation so maybe I can do some cloning/breeding...School me breeding is actually really simple ill try to find the article I read but yeah super simple imo itsd perfecting genetics that hard
I am currently about to do some seeds that I produced by playing with breeding its going tot be a crazy mutant strainwould love to read up if u find the article, I went to school wayyyy back when for horticulture and lover air layering and propogation so maybe I can do some cloning/breeding...
link it and ill check it outOk this isn't the article I read but it is a good read it seems I scanned through it and will be reading it later when I get a chance still looking for the one I used
Oh and raw you are more random than me! Crazy lol hey how about you go to my thread and see if you can lend some advice about my sick girl would be appreciated