topped plants 2 weeks into veg and decided to LST couple days after, am i screwing up my "training"


Hey there, ultra newb here, so i got some clones at not a great time, i've been a little busy so these guys have been hanging out in veg for the past 2 and a half weeks, i just topped the plants a couple days ago (i know really late), but had some time today and decided i wanted to try LST, as well, though now im wondering if i should have not done that as:
1. i topped a couple days ago, and didn't really give the plant time to form new top sites, (not even mentioning giving it a couple days to unstress itself out)
2. the stocks feel pretty sturdy, (they have a lot of airflow in the tent), and maybe i shouldn't be bending these sites,

should i take the LST off the plant and let some other top sites form? Or should I continue this route?
or does someone more experienced have a better solution as to what i should do...any advice is greatly appreciated!!

plants are photoperiods



Well-Known Member
I'm sure these will be completely fine if you leave them how they are. Are you in a hurry? If you're really curious you could do one either way and see the difference for yourself.


No not exactly, the stock was getting a little stiff, so I thought it was becoming too late, but I’m noticing it’s a little purple as well which may be an entirely different thing