topped and now 3 heads?


Well-Known Member
in my view, yes.....i have struggled somewhat is temps....and I have had periods of time days....where the temp didn't even make it to 70....and hovered between like 53 - 69.......have since maintained better (65-78) temps....but it might have slowed things down in my case....? don't know for sure....but that would make bi0ological sense that things slowed down...I do not see that as a contributor to waxylook.


Well-Known Member
i think it may, by a little, i raised the plants 3 days ago, and there getting warmer, than they were.
i can tell, they seem more happyer.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see nuthin that was suspicious......but as you know pics alone can't really cut it....they are looking good!


New Member
Very nice crazy. Chiceh is right. they have a very healthy colour to them.
Nice plants. good job.

And hey. Thats been twice now you asked me to put up some pics for you and then left. :|

j'k ...kinda ;)


Well-Known Member
just more pics of the different plants under the lites.
they all seem fine, bar one, what got topped a little too much, ive just potted it on, into a black pot, watered yesterday, i will water again, in a day or 2.
how many time a week can i feed, i currantly feed every other water, but i only need to water every 4 days.
so i feeding only every 8 days.
do i need to feed more,or what?.
new sunday 003.jpg

new sunday 004.jpg the ill one, out of the 9.
like i said i repotted it on yesterday. if it carrys on like that, im going to sling it, its been ill looking, now for 3 weeks, now,also this is the unknown strain.
think its a orange bud, pollenated by a venus.

new sunday 005.jpg

new sunday 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
more random pics, some are 22 days and some are7and 11 days 12/12.
every one looks female,as of yet, i can tell by the hairs.

new sunday 008.jpg

new sunday 009.jpg

new sunday 010.jpg

new sunday 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
well the timer went off last night, and also ive got a small blowing heater in there.
maybe too little too late.
Are you sure your droopy plant,the ill one you called it,isn't caused by your blow heater creating hot spots in your room.

I had a similar effect when i tried to use a blow heater.
I bought a mini oil filled radiator from argos with a thermostatic control to maintain the correct temps for 25 quid.

They use way less power than a blow heater as well and radiate heat in a more friendly fashion as far as plants are concerned.
This radiator keeps my cupboard at a constant temp during winter.

Most of your plants look to be getting nice and fat now and look pretty healthy to me:blsmoke: