toping my plants


i topped my plants for the first time last week. i want to do it again so i can get 4 tops. is a week long enough, and also do i top it at the v again or take of the 2 stalks completely that grew from the last top


Well-Known Member
it is not to late at all

You can top again once some new growth has formed after topping the last time.

Id say that a week between is maybe a little too soon but if your plants are growing good then go for another


Active Member
for him maybe not but where i am it is to late to top will be budding in the next 2 week where are you located


Well-Known Member
Top the two new shoots just like u did with the main one. I personally would wait a little longer than a week unless they're really growing fast.


They are growing quick, they new growth is taking off, but i will give it another two days and just meet the time difference in the middle. and i am located in the northeast. ive got a minimum till the end of this month untill they even start to think about flowering


Well-Known Member
OP, I wudnt recommend topping this late in the season. You will be risking main colas on your plant which could drastically reduce harvest.


Well-Known Member
When someone posts on, they refer to themselves as swim as a precautionary measure. Im guessing the guy figured its appropriate on this site but its not.


ok so dont top one more time? just stay with the two main stalks. its jjust ive had people tell me its fine, cause i sitll have 2-3 weeks untill the plants think about flowering but also people tellling me know but dont explain

Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
Yes there still is time if you were to do it like right now lol, but you will have to tie up the new colas because topping this late you will have heavy colas on skinny branches, addd a bit of rain and wind and your kicking yourself.. Personally I'd let it be and top and train your next grow as much as you want, best of luck!


Well-Known Member
I personally do all my topping prior to the summer solstice.....dont know that I have a reason as to why
thats just what I do.....

past times

Well-Known Member
Do you have more side growth below the branches you want to top and are those branches able to be tied down or bent slightly? If there is more growth below and you have some flex in your branches you can tie those leading shoots down (Try to get the top below the level of the growth below it). this will force the plant to fous more on the lower growth.

if it goes well it is almost like you topped, but without the stress. And should be able to get mre bud growth at about the same height. Just an idea


Yes there still is time if you were to do it like right now lol, but you will have to tie up the new colas because topping this late you will have heavy colas on skinny branches, addd a bit of rain and wind and your kicking yourself.. Personally I'd let it be and top and train your next grow as much as you want, best of luck!
im gonna do it in an hour or so on my smaller of the two plants because the growth from the last top is double the size of my larger plant. and if they colas get to heavy for the branches ill make sure to tie them up


Well-Known Member
Do you have more side growth below the branches you want to top and are those branches able to be tied down or bent slightly? If there is more growth below and you have some flex in your branches you can tie those leading shoots down (Try to get the top below the level of the growth below it). this will force the plant to fous more on the lower growth.

if it goes well it is almost like you topped, but without the stress. And should be able to get mre bud growth at about the same height. Just an idea
I agree. Imo, LST is the better way to get multiple tops.