Top These Side Nodes?

Fish Weed

Active Member
image.jpg image.jpg Have a Critical Super Silver Haze, 36 Day of veg, under a 240 LED. I topped her once on top with nice results. I have 2 nice looking spots on each side that should grow in flower, my question is should I top these too? They aren't growing out yet and she has real short nodes. These 2 spots get light but it's blocked a little bit from the leafs above them. Just worried they won't get the light they need to grow out once cut. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Good question. I have a plant that I've been experimenting with by topping it all over. I've had to slow the veg growth way down because I can't flower at this time. I'm no expert, but I say no. I might vote to top the top again. It will get more light up there and it won't eat up so much energy trying to make lower nodes grow up to the light. TBH I cut those lower side shoots off of my plant for that reason. I'm just experimenting though.


Well-Known Member
i say no don't do it. you're already working with limited light penetration so creating more apical meristems would tax usage of light even more.either add lights or focus on the colas with what you have.

Fish Weed

Active Member
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to hold off doing anything with these. I may just keep her in veg longer and top again for the 2 main nodes on top.


Well-Known Member
I top and top and top and top -- you can top as much as you want. Sort of like mud said, you have to make sure that your light has a big enough footprint to cover all your tops. I would keep topping it if you only have that one plant under a 240 watt led. Topping does, especially on soil, slow vegging growth somewhat but it will pay dividends in flower after your stretch. That's just my opinion and everyone has their own style so just play around until you find what works best for you. Here's a link to my garden -- I veg under 240 watts of cheap walmart fleurescents -- topping constantly :

Fish Weed

Active Member
I top and top and top and top -- you can top as much as you want. Sort of like mud said, you have to make sure that your light has a big enough footprint to cover all your tops. I would keep topping it if you only have that one plant under a 240 watt led. Topping does, especially on soil, slow vegging growth somewhat but it will pay dividends in flower after your stretch. That's just my opinion and everyone has their own style so just play around until you find what works best for you. Here's a link to my garden -- I veg under 240 watts of cheap walmart fleurescents -- topping constantly :
This is my first grow, this plant started out for the first 2 weeks under cfls and I just seemed to have problems so I picked up the led. I'm trying to do some side lighting but my space is a bit limited, I may go with fluorescents because I don't think I could get a clf bulb close enough to be any good. I have been back and forth on topping those side nodes for a few days now, I don't want to mess up a good site for flower, but on the other hand I have 2 of these side nodes and I may just top one of them and see what happens. Like I said, this is my first grow and experimenting with what might work and what won't is all part of the game for us newbies.

Fish Weed

Active Member
Topped one of the side nodes last night, 24 hours later and I'm already getting growth from the spot. I'm going to give it another day and see where it's at, if it looks good I'm going to top the other side. This is the best pic I could get.