Top Skunk 44 Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
learn from it. they were stressing pretty bad. it might make it it might not. keep an eye on moisture/ light and maybe pile a lil bit of dirt around it.


Active Member
Today's shots:

I'm really happy with how they're doing :D
I'm observing white spots on the tips of one of the plants' leaves, what could this be?


Well-Known Member
you had 3 make it? those seem to be doing very well. have u started using fertz yet ? i would recomend Alaska Fish Fertilizer start with 1/2 table spoon per gallon of water every-other watering. have u thought about when u are going to start flowering? what kind of lighting do you plan to use? keep me up to date... also do i see foil in your grow room????
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Active Member
Thanks for all the help archangel. So far 3 plants have made it, I'm hoping one of them will turn female. Should I be in a rush to start flowering? I was planning on waiting till the plants got huge, so another few weeks maybe (3-4). Inside the box I use CFL lighting, those energy saver bulbs I picked up at my local hardware store... I've got around 200 watts. Should I use different lighting for flowering? And yeah, I put foil on the sides of my growbox.
Anyways, thanks again.


Active Member
I like ur grow... basically the same as mine, top 44 and in a wardrobe!

I'll be watching to see how urs come along an hopefully i wont make the same mistakes tht you mite xD.

Good luck!



Active Member
While my plants are getting nice and big, a bunch of white spots are appearing on the tips of the leaves. Is that heat-stressing?


Well-Known Member
Sorry I havent stopped in a few day been buzy.... the idea of flowering with cfl will work; how ever the yeild wont be the best. Being how this is your first grow id say use this time as your "trail and error" grow. After you get one or two cfl harvests under your belt then, buy an HPS. Flower when ever you want. Id try to wait till they are about a foot tall before id flower. due to your lighting... search the site on LST (low stress training) check your hardware store for Fish emulsion. The foil isnt a good idea overall but maybe after harvest you could switch it up a lil. But if you get bored you could paint the inside the white spots is new for me as well im on my very first indoor seed to harvest as we speak. but this is what it could be... c/c Reflective surfaces in your grow area is a great way to maximise your lighting. Dark walls will absorb light so you will want to do something about this. Usually the first reaction to this is a visit to the kitchen drawer to grad some aluminium foil. Stay away from this because the foil can create hot spots that burn your plant. Also if your growing in a small space, lining the walls with this will basically create a little oven trapping the hot air.
What to use:

Mylar, more on the expensive side.
Reflective gift wrap that you can find at the dollar store is a great cheap alternative to mylar
White paint on the wall will also works very well
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Active Member

they're growing nicely, but still the burns... i'm thinking of starting flowering 2 weeks from now, good idea? also, how many will be females in theory? I read 50-70% somewhere.
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Well-Known Member
hope for them all to be female but pray for at least one, ive had 1/3 female outdoors b4 it was bag seed.... all in all they look good
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Active Member
I added nutrients today, picked up this bottle of dutch "TNT", I'll take a pic later.
Yeah, this isn't bag seed it's from a catalogue. Do you have to wait till flowering to tell male from female?


Well-Known Member
yes you do have to wait, most strains show sex within the first 2 weeks of flowering aka 12/12 be aware of late bloom hermie's. Now that your thinking about flowering maybe you should try to cut a clone from each one. label it with the proper parent plant so you can save the genetics. check the faq's on water-cloning its very easy to do. just my 2 cents also whats the n-p-k value of that tnt stuff?? 5-1-1, 1-3-2, etc ?? how much does it say to use and how much did you use?
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Active Member
Archangel, you truly are my savior. Thanks for keeping an eye on my grow.

The NPK is 6+2+4, it said 25ml per 10L and I put about that ratio in 5L.
I read that you can tell females from males with hair, could I see some now or do they only appear in flowering? Although I guess from what you said that would be sexing and only appear later. Yeah, I'm going to start cloning soon. I'm not sure what method to do, my neighbourhood hydro store guy told me he had a really easy kit for begginers, which is what I might try.


Well-Known Member
your welcome (thats the purpose of this website) when u first introduce fertz to young plants always start with 50% doses meaning... yours say 25 ml per 10L... use 12 ml per 10 L or 6 mL per 5 L. after about two weeks of fertz ;every-other watering give them 100%. when your plants are about a month old look for GROWFAQ but depending on the strain you might be able to see them now. If you dont really have the room for clones its nothing major.