Top Skunk 44 Cabinet Grow


Active Member
Alright, so this is my first attempt at growing. I'm using Top Skunk 44 seeds that I germinated using the germination kit.
Plants after germination:

Wooden box, 47cm*67cm*97cm
Current lights setup:
Three outlets:
2*23W+25W, 3*23W, 2*11W
Kept in dark room at room temperature

Day 2:

Here's a pîc of my plants at Day 3, can you guys give me feedback? I'll keep updating.

Also, I keep this same diary over at if you like rss feeds.

Thanks for any help! :joint:


Active Member
Arch is right, get those lights down to an inch, inch and a half over the plants, they are way stretchy but you can adjust for that when they go from peat pucks to pots.


Well-Known Member
in his last pic it looks like he already put them in pots.... he'll need to re-plant them deeper.. they should make it


Active Member
in his last pic it looks like he already put them in pots.... he'll need to re-plant them deeper.. they should make it
Jeeze your right and I'm not even baked.

So what do you DO when they are already in a big pot like that, dump the pot out, fish out the plant and re-plant it?


Active Member[img][/URL]

So this is basically the biggest plant up to now, but since it was stretched I took out and tried to fix the stem in the pot.

This is the same plant re-buried.

This was the old setup in which all the plants would stretch, I'm guessing because of where the lights were located.

The one on the left is my nicest plant up to now.

So what do you guys think?
I've taken out two of the pots so I now have 3 pots each under a light to try to bypass the stretching.
Here's what it all looks like now
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Well-Known Member
ok u have a moisture meter? ph meter? if not go to lowes/ home depot with $10- 12 get one will def help


Active Member
Today's set:

The one before last is seriously badass. Still gotta work on the stretching though.
What do you guys think? Anything I should do?
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Well-Known Member
move the light closer, bury more of the plant ... from what i see more dirt should be fine. are those one gallon pots???


Well-Known Member
Budman... you need to do some reading, friend :) It's okay, everyone is new at some point and I am still really wet behind the ears myself, maybe you can learn from the CFL forum, check out my own CFL journal here:

Your plants are really badly stretched, I don't know if there is any coming back from that... that one plant turned a loop or something! Amazing, it's like hes gone out looking for where you stashed the light! :D

CFL's should be 1-3 inches from the top of the plant or it will just stretch endlessly. It also looks like you have red light and for veg growth before flowering you need blue (daylight); elsewise the red light will also promote stretching.

Best of luck to you sir, you're lucky you found RIU; there are some really knowledgeable people around here to help newbies like you and I.
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