Top ramen + doritos= ghetto tamale


Well-Known Member
this must be the guy from yesterday who was posting all those jail house dinners

off topic: press pause on the video, then while its paused press your arrows a few times fast- the old school game snake should pop up


Well-Known Member
i wasnt perusing the forum yesterday but i happen to have some doritos and some top ramen so guess what i'll be having for a snack next week ;)


Well-Known Member
how the fuck could you make yourself eat that
Lock yourself in a cage for a long time with no other foods.
I bet you couldn't even boil water with a electric cord tooth brush and salt and fingernail clippers


Well-Known Member
thats a Whaq ass Spread homie. Niggas eat that shit in Jail.. but your supposed to put more shit in it and let it sit


Well-Known Member
Lock yourself in a cage for a long time with no other foods.
I bet you couldn't even boil water with a electric cord tooth brush and salt and fingernail clippers
what im trying to say, is if your not in prison, why else would you eat that?


Well-Known Member
thats a Whaq ass Spread homie. Niggas eat that shit in Jail.. but your supposed to put more shit in it and let it sit
yup a spoonfull of nacho cheese.. a few cut up slim jims, maybe a hardboiled egg from breakfast lol... man im never going back to jail!!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone do chineese food?
Beef ramen cook and drain add, mayo, mustard and maple syrup-Try that shit out.