top leaves curl over with slight purple tinge


Active Member
The light is 1 foot above this plant 400 watt hps. 6.5 weeks of flowering
the purple tinge is hard to see but it is in the centre more so of the leaves.
it started at the top but now half way down the leaves are trying to curl over. (I think it is just the fan leaves).
Also the bud leaves have a bluish hue to them. The tips of the leaves on the top have been yellow for a long time but the curling started 3 days ago. I cannot see it being heat because the plant hasn't grown an inch in height for liek 4 weeks.

The bottom 2 leaves are yellow and have purple stripes on them closer to the stem that holds them.
the 2 leaves above those also have the purple stripes. This plant had weird problems for its entire grow. The plant beside it is amazingly nice though. Same type. 4 inches shorter away from light.
i took some pics but you cant even see whats goin on because cam is a hunk of shit.
I think Nitrogen, Molebdium, Magnesium sort of thing. However my nutes contain 1.5 N 4 PHosphorus and 5 K with Calcium and magnesium