Top leaves culring down and tacoing inward

I am uncertain of what this could be? First time at attempting living soil. I will post more information upon responses to my question. What can cause one plant to have top leave curling down into taco shape. And bright green lower leaves. The plant in the back left seems to be lacking in growth. The plant in the back right seems to be doing fine. ?1000006873.jpg
I wish I could offer some answers, but I’ve had the same issue on a few plants. The good news is they never showed any other issues and finished out strong……ended up with a really nice harvest.
I’m curious to see what others have to say….i can tell u that in my case, it was not over or under watered….the temps and RH were not out of range….and I don’t think the light intensity was too high. These are all common reasons for a loss of turgor pressure, thus droopy leaves.
If I had to guess, I would say it’s something with root zone and its ability to receive adequate oxygen……but that’s a total guess and I have no solution if that’s the case.
The plants look great otherwise and if that’s the only issue, you’ll be just fine….IMO.
I wish I could offer some answers, but I’ve had the same issue on a few plants. The good news is they never showed any other issues and finished out strong……ended up with a really nice harvest.
I’m curious to see what others have to say….i can tell u that in my case, it was not over or under watered….the temps and RH were not out of range….and I don’t think the light intensity was too high. These are all common reasons for a loss of turgor pressure, thus droopy leaves.
If I had to guess, I would say it’s something with root zone and its ability to receive adequate oxygen……but that’s a total guess and I have no solution if that’s the case.
The plants look great otherwise and if that’s the only issue, you’ll be just fine….IMO.
That is where I am at. Humidity is 40% vpd sits at 140. I water only when the pots feel light. And I do not water to runoff. Light is dimmed to 45%. Roughly 18 inches above tops of plants. And I have 2 fans. One for top of canopy and one below canopy. The light green lower leaves was more of my concern. I know I haven't over done anything. Being 5 gallon pots and living soil I'm under the impression that feeding is more often?
are these all clones of the same strain? or all different from seed?

if from seed, there will be variation, even if they are the same strain
Curled tips could be from excess nitrogen.
Plant color is indeed little off. The bluish green tint with purpling on the leaf stems points to some P deficiency.
Maybe early Ca+Mg deficiency signs also in few spots.

Double check pH's and nutrient feed and see if you should adjust a little

edit: check out Photone app for phones. Takes most of the guessing out of the amount light you are getting.
2¢ comments-

First …. Scrog needed plant ( at veg ) branches weaved in before flip - to get a more uniform canopy level.

Net is now just something for flowers to lean on . Also flowers are stacking up quite nicely.

There is a little nitrogen excess but really not end of world. They look pretty good.

I do not think you should fiddle with them much - maybe a seaweed watering. That alone helps flower and gives micronutrients to your grow.

As far as the “ corner “ plant - each plant is different ( even if same strain ) and may just need to grow out some more. Wouldn’t overthink it or you might do something wrong and goof it up.

The Following is my opinion only - if it was my grow.

I would remove net - spin plants to allow more light into those growth areas not getting enough light. ( like the rear one - maybe even bring to center ( swapping with another ). I would also look at LST training on all to shape them as it finalizes structure ( stakes if needed )

Sometimes moving a plant into a better spot kicks them in the pants.
I appreciate the responses. all 3 plants are from seed. I hit them with a dose of cal mag almost a week ago wondering if that was causing some of my issues. Should I attempt liquid kelp I have? And should i foliar feed with it or just water it in? I plan to do a slurry tmrw after work to see where my soil ph is at. I keep watering with ph of 6.3- 6.5. all tap water. Also i contemplated pulling the netting thinking the back plants just weren't getting the same amount of lighting. I will probably do that tmrw also!
I appreciate the responses. all 3 plants are from seed. I hit them with a dose of cal mag almost a week ago wondering if that was causing some of my issues. Should I attempt liquid kelp I have? And should i foliar feed with it or just water it in? I plan to do a slurry tmrw after work to see where my soil ph is at. I keep watering with ph of 6.3- 6.5. all tap water. Also i contemplated pulling the netting thinking the back plants just weren't getting the same amount of lighting. I will probably do that tmrw also!

I wouldn't foliar feed at this point of flowering anymore. The risk of getting your buds too wet is not worth it.
Not really familiar with what kelp consists, but as I pointed in my previous reply, I'm thinking you could up specifically the phosphorus.
Maybe also the Ca+Mg deficiency.
Excess of Ca+Mg could lead to deficiency of potassium, but there's not much signs of that.

As for NPK ratio I'd suggest something around 1:2:4 (elemental %)
I have a bag of some roots organic terp tea bloom. Npk is 3-7-4. I fed with that about 2 weeks ago... shortly after is when I noticed the leaf curl. Last week I hit them with the cal mag. Could they really still be hungry? They are only 5 gallon pots.
Def don’t spray anything at this point. You said they’re growing in living soil…..are u top dressing on a schedule ? I’m assuming the medium was premixed w/ some kind of dry organics? Gimme your details on this. If u haven’t top dressed in a while, I’d consider doing it sooner than later.
They look like they’re 4-6 weeks into flower….so the need for P & K is at its highest. I’ve had great results giving an organic supplement called “Boost” by Canna. I start it a couple weeks into flower……it’s 0-1-1, so it’s mild but I’ve seen a difference.
Base soil is happy frog. Up potted over 6 weeks until 5 gallon fabric pots. With ocean forest. (Hydro shops around me suck) and do not like to give any Info to learn from. Anyway I ended up transplanting a total 3 times. Each time I hit the root zone with great white mycorrhizae. Same when I transplanted Into final pots. I dry amended with down to earth neem meal, Kelp meal, earthworm castings, bone meal, airated with hydro corn. Waited a week to flip to flower and watered in that night with compost tea. I did not want to over due dry amendments as it is my first try at living soil. Also what is available locally is slim. I am at the end of the 4th week of flower. End of first week of flower I did a feeding of liquid kelp. The second week of flower just water. Third week I hit them with the terp tea bloom. Last week was cal mag.