Top groth curling and yellow tips starting to appear


Active Member
Hi all,
I could appreciate your opinion on my plants,
4 weeks in veg and for the past week or so i noticed the groth has slown down and the top part of the plant maily has curled leafes , reading the forums every day i thought it could be heat stress, but i use 4 30w 6400k cfl and only yesterday i added an extra 23w 2700k as side light. So i dont think is heat related. I am planning to start flowering next week so i could do with having it sorted before!
I been feeding my plants every 4 days with tap water left to rest for 2 3 days, and using miracle grow 1/4 1/2 strengh.
2 days ago` i gave them a full strengh dose of miracle grow with 500ml of water each plant.
and this mornign again.
Am i over fert? or should i move my lights up?
Any opinion very much appreciated.



Active Member
looks like nute burn to me. When i introduced nutes to my plants i did it 1/4 , than gaved them another 1/4 the next feeding, than i moved to 1/2 strength. Then at the next feeding I gave it to them fulls trength. :leaf:


Active Member
Well i guess we will soon find out! i just flushed 1 palnt and see it how it goes, if it improves tomorrow or tonight i will flush the other 1 as well.
Thanks for your quick reply.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I could appreciate your opinion on my plants,
4 weeks in veg and for the past week or so i noticed the groth has slown down and the top part of the plant maily has curled leafes , reading the forums every day i thought it could be heat stress, but i use 4 30w 6400k cfl and only yesterday i added an extra 23w 2700k as side light. So i dont think is heat related. I am planning to start flowering next week so i could do with having it sorted before!
I been feeding my plants every 4 days with tap water left to rest for 2 3 days, and using miracle grow 1/4 1/2 strengh.
2 days ago` i gave them a full strengh dose of miracle grow with 500ml of water each plant.
and this mornign again.
Am i over fert? or should i move my lights up?
Any opinion very much appreciated.
Could be a little shock of some type..did you just re-pot them or move them?


Active Member
In fairness i thought that too, no i did not repot, my clones from rockwool went straight in that pot, however, i was considering using the low stress technique of bending the plant down, and as i was trying to gently bending it, i noticed that the rockwool cube was actually showing off the soil and bending along as i was pulling. Of course i stopped bending and left them alone for a normal growth.
Today i was thinking.. could it be that i did some root damage? isnt supposed that damm rockwool cube to biogradate in the soil?? the bugger is still there, so much that i had to top up the soil to keep it under.
This afternoon i actually flushed both the plants... with a good 6 7 litres of water.. and tonight 6 hours later.. they seem to be a little better, the main top (future) cola seems a little more opened and greener, i guess i will have to see in the mornign what it looks like.
One more thing, a week ago` a took 4 cuttings from the bottom brances..
Should i worry ? or in your opinion can be saved?
thanks to all for your replies


Active Member
Just wondering, how is your air movement doing? I had the same problem I added a pc fan to one side of my old homemade cfl set up and it helped me with that. I was using tap water as well, id let it sit open 24hrs then i put an air tube into it and pump it for 24 hrs. Some might say there is no need to do that but it works for me. I wish the best for you and your girls :peace:


Active Member
Just wondering, how is your air movement doing? I had the same problem I added a pc fan to one side of my old homemade cfl set up and it helped me with that. I was using tap water as well, id let it sit open 24hrs then i put an air tube into it and pump it for 24 hrs. Some might say there is no need to do that but it works for me. I wish the best for you and your girls :peace:

Thanks for the info, i do have a pc fan blowing on the plants, although the air movement is not great, at the moment im growing in a small space 1.5ft x 3ft, i know its too small, hopefully soon i will be able to find more space at least for my flowering.
The fan i have is positioned towards the centre / top part of the plants, as per due to the limited space the plant closer to the fan gets blown too much.
Thanks again for your info.


Active Member
Thanks for the info, i do have a pc fan blowing on the plants, although the air movement is not great, at the moment im growing in a small space 1.5ft x 3ft, i know its too small, hopefully soon i will be able to find more space at least for my flowering.
The fan i have is positioned towards the centre / top part of the plants, as per due to the limited space the plant closer to the fan gets blown too much.
Thanks again for your info.
They say its not the size of it but what you do with it that counts. The problem might correct itself with some air movement. Fresh air into the grow space via the bottom of the grow space and exhaust from the top of the grow space. Stale air isnt never good for the plants. My space is a closet that is 2ft x 4ft not that much bigger than yours i just added a $6.00usd fan from walmart to the top over the light to just exhaust the heat out. One oscillating fan in the grow room and one fan near a window that i keep cracked all year long to pull fresh air inside. I am no master I try to use common sense in all that I do. I think better air movement will help. Also try not to leave the fan just blowing on one part of your plant as this tends to dry your plant leaves out which might lead to death :peace:


Active Member
They say its not the size of it but what you do with it that counts. The problem might correct itself with some air movement. Fresh air into the grow space via the bottom of the grow space and exhaust from the top of the grow space. Stale air isnt never good for the plants. My space is a closet that is 2ft x 4ft not that much bigger than yours i just added a $6.00usd fan from walmart to the top over the light to just exhaust the heat out. One oscillating fan in the grow room and one fan near a window that i keep cracked all year long to pull fresh air inside. I am no master I try to use common sense in all that I do. I think better air movement will help. Also try not to leave the fan just blowing on one part of your plant as this tends to dry your plant leaves out which might lead to death :peace:
Interesting point, i will move the pc fan and see what happens, Thanks YoungJedi, it could have been as simple as that, mind you i did flush them earlier this morning, i suppose it wont harm since i will change the ferts to flowering in 5 6 days.
At the moment i only have 1 fan, as a temporary soultion, where should i move to? bottom or above the lights? Sorry for the dumb question.... i will take a picture to show you as its currently setup.

