Top dressing is common practice. But usually with dry amendments. Ewc. In conjunction with some sort of mulch. I wouldn't bury your plants to much with super soil. But that's just me. Kinda pointless. Stick with kelp, alfalfa, guanos crab mean ec ec. My top 2 inches of flowering pots are 1 inch Ewc. With dry amendments as needed. 1 inch mulch. I use equal parts perlite coir and compost. With diatomaceous earth. Crab meal. Neam meal. About 2tbsp / gallon of coir,perlite,compost. This controls bugs, keeps soil from drying out and top feeds a bit all at once.anyone do this? I don't wanna give the plant too much?
what would be a good top feed for my 7 gallon pots. after the stretch there was a lot of space from soil to the cotelydons.
I wanna fill the pots up now that they're past the stretch.
Top dressing is common practice. But usually with dry amendments. Ewc. In conjunction with some sort of mulch. I wouldn't bury your plants to much with super soil. But that's just me. Kinda pointless. Stick with kelp, alfalfa, guanos crab mean ec ec. My top 2 inches of flowering pots are 1 inch Ewc. With dry amendments as needed. 1 inch mulch. I use equal parts perlite coir and compost. With diatomaceous earth. Crab meal. Neam meal. About 2tbsp / gallon of coir,perlite,compost. This controls bugs, keeps soil from drying out and top feeds a bit all at once.
The way i do it is very simple. 3 transplants before it even hits super super. From cloning plugs >2 cup pots(soil=1 part each, coir,perlite, organic bagged soil). >1/2gallom pots(soil=roots). >final flowering pots 3-7 gallon pot size depends on veg time. (Soil=highly amended"super soil". With top dressing applied at transplant.). Before each transplant use a "dummy" pot to be used as a placeholder for incoming rootball. I like to do this up to a month ahead of time! Give the soil extra aact and establish the soil food web long before plant reaches it. Sorry been drinking coffee with iso hash all morning and my responses might seem say flowering.. should I wait til I flower to top feed? or can I do it in the veg stage as well as later in the flowering?
Not with the dummy pot method. Zero stress. Pull out your dummy pot which is same size as the one your transplanting into. They pull out your full rootball annoy fits right in like a puzzle piece perfect. O and I should add this is when I apply mycos. Directly to rootball and sprinkled into transplant hole.I think I get it lol I think. but that many transplants doesn't cause to much stress?