Top 44 at 30 days 12/12 with 2,200 watts.


Well-Known Member
:neutral: yo in coffeshops you can buy just realy nice cured weed! In barney's they cure it for a year men! in greenhouse coffeshop 6months or more!
If you love to smoke such harsh and bidy thc staff,just go 4it!
Why must you persist on being suck a fuking asshole when you've been asked to keep your opinions about curring out of this thread ?

So far your only reason to come to this thread was to insult me, not once but two times in a row,you have no idea how my weed tastes or smokes,you also have no idea how i dry or cure my smoke yet you repeatedly insult me,do you need attention that badly ?

Please do not visit my thread any more as your only reason to be here is to be an insulting little prick.


Well-Known Member
Again, great setup, and those light movers are on my list of "next step" in my evolution of growing..... awesome, can't wait to see the harvest!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Panhead, What's Up????,,,,,,,,,Dude I Lost Track Of You When You Were First Looking To Get The Light Mover's!!!!,,,,,,,,,I see That You Have Been Putting Them To Good Use!!!,,,,,,,,Glad I Stumbled On To This Thread, Your Plant's Look Awesome!!!!

Any New Update's????,,,,,,,,,Later HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::hump::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Aye "panhead" dont even respond to da negative comments bra. I've learned dat over dese last couple days pple dat are wrong are still gonna think dey right. Even when multiple pple tell then they are wrong. I love ya Top 44 bra.

Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Shit,i was out of town & away from my computer for a few months & forgot to update this thread,i forgot about this grow alltogether.

Anyhow this was 2 harvests ago & all went perfect,i let them bud for 91 day's & until well over 90% of the pistils had turned a lovely golden brown,this havests stinks to high heaven & has a very heavy narcotic high that last a long time.

After harvest & trim i put them in my quick dryer's for 3 to 4 days,length of dry time was dependant on bud size,the main cola's took 4 days with the lessor bud's being dry in 3 days,after drying they went into very large tupperware containers & were aired out for about an hour each day for a week to cure.

After curing we smoked up,the smoke is smooth with a very heavy skunk taste & smell,the buzz is a couch lock buzz that my wife really enjoys,out of the different strains ive grown & am still growing my wife likes the top 44 the best,she has Multiple Sclerosis & has tremors in her body,the top 44 gives her a sedative & calming effect that decreases the tremors in most cases to acceptable levels where no muscle relaxors are needed.

I wanted to leard how to seed my buds just to a point where i'd have enough seeds to put away for a few months or even a year so i wouldnt have to clone & i could try a few other strains,we liked the strain so much & it calms my wife's tremors so well that we just kept the top 44 strain going & it's now part of our permanent grow op,i still have some nice beans put away for spring outdoors & as gifts for my friends on this site that ive spoken with,i'll be in contact with those members soon.

We ended up harvesting right around 4lbs from this room,gave half of it away to family & close friends & are still puffin away the last of it.

The harvest right after this one in the pics was only allowed to bud for 70 days & as far as my wife is concerned the shorter bud time was a mistake on my part,looking at the trich's before harvest where they were a 50/50 mix of honey color & milky white i thought it woulda been long enough,they shoulda went longer because the buzz is nowhere near as a narcotic buzz & the taste is to weak for our tastes.

Ive now harvested top 44 twice & the trick for me is going to be to let them push 90 days bud time every harvest,it's worth the extra time.


Well-Known Member
god damn dude... how did you accomplish that in 30 days?
The 30 days was in reference to how long they had been in bud cycle,they had been switched to 12/12 for 30 days in the picture,not total grow time,the plants were allowed to veg for 6 weeks before being put into bud.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info panhead grow looked great i was looking at this strain and highly considering it due to is short flowering time look like il grow it in the near future