Top 10 Songs for Plants and Gardens to Thrive On. Music is Proven to help plants Grow

Yes, that is exactly what i am saying.
It's been scientifically proven.
I am aware that it sounds like hippy dippy b.s. but it's true.
All that stuff about chi and electromagnetic fields being emitted my living things? TRUE

It's been scientifically proven, which is more than i can say about macro evolution ( not a debate i want to get into here)

all the proof your short attention span's can handle

and here's a (shorter) video for those too stoned to read:
1. Emoto has a degree in international relations. he also has a certificate for "doctor of alternative medicine". thats not good enough for me

2. i quote - "Mr Emoto took water samples from around the world, slowly froze them, then photographed them with a dark field microscope with photographic capability. As each water crystal is unique, around 90 photos would be taken of the same water source, and the water crystal photo that represented the majority would be chosen."
if it was the words and meaning themselves that produced the outcome, why wasnt every water molecule in that form? if it worked so well, why does he have to take 90 pictures? why does he have to choose a majority?(which is probably something like 60-70%. hardly a definitive outcome)

im too high to continue lol
i don't know the answers to your questions at the moment, but i still think there is alot of information to consider. Also, this guy is not the only person to run tests on this kinda stuff, you should really take the time to watch that really long video i posted earlier, it's got alot more answers in it. I've watched it too many times to watch it again just to bring up points in it to argue with you. Also smoke too much to remember ;) Thanks for debating with me i will get more info out to you when i'm not practicing my gui-tar.. i'm stoned and nerding out on it right now :)
At first I thought this would be a funny thread with all kinds of famous ass clown songs listed but ummmm, life force? Frequency of life energy? Wow! Do you work at whole foods cause I think I know you? Or was it the food co-op?

As someone with a bachelors in wildlife science, minor in botany, and a masters degree in ecology I can tell you that your so called "references" are a joke. Wikipedia? Seriously? You tube? LMFAO. Yes what a fountain of enlightenment and knowledge YouTube is.

Now excuse me, I'm done poking the kook with dull sticks and I have to go foliar feed my plants; I think their chakras are clogged.
btw "master degree" my ass. people that educated don't go around flaunting that shi#

chew on this you haters

Kurt Wulrich Nobel Prizewinner 2002

Kurt Wüthrich, Switzerland
Kurt Wüthrich (born October 4, 1938> is a Swiss chemist and Nobel laureate.
Born in Aarberg, Switzerland, Wüthrich was educated in chemistry, physics, and mathematics at the University of Berne before pursuing his Ph.D. under the direction of Silvio Fallab at the University of Basel, awarded in 1964. He continued post-doctoral work with Fallab for a short time before leaving to work at the University of California, Berkeley from 1965 to 1967 with Robert E. Connick. That was followed by a stint working with Robert G. Shulman at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey (1967-1969).
Wüthrich returned to Switzerland, to Zurich, in 1969, where he began his career there at the ETH Zurich, rising to Professor of Biophysics by 1980. He currently maintains a laboratory there, although his appointment is at The Scripps Research Institute, in La Jolla, California.
He was awarded part of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2002 for his leadership of ongoing work, begun in the 1970s, on the use of multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the structure of proteins.


If a weak electromagnetic field can do that to fish imagine what your body's electromagnetic field can do to tiny plastic water molecules.

Oh but wait, you could see it for yourself if you just watched the award winning documentary i have posted 3 seperate times in this article.

Yes, that is exactly what i am saying.
It's been scientifically proven.

Its scientifically proven the universe is expanding, but do we know how big it is?

It may be true that plants respond to music, but to what degree or how the process is carried out seems to be cloudy. I think it's interesting, but not a very solid way to improve anything in growing cannabis.
Holy shit let the guy enjoy his thread. I think his intention was for this to be casual light reading but has since been backed into a corner being forced to cite scientific evidence. *Yawn* Go to the comment section of your local online newspaper if you wish to troll for fucksake.
Holy shit let the guy enjoy his thread. I think his intention was for this to be casual light reading but has since been backed into a corner being forced to cite scientific evidence. *Yawn* Go to the comment section of your local online newspaper if you wish to troll for fucksake.

Wow thank you.

One Love:leaf:

It allhas to do with vibrational frequencies. It helps open up the Stomata for nutrient uptake, therefore faster growth.

This is off the description ...

"Vibrational Growth - This track is specifically designed to
stimulate plant growth and nutrient absorption. Begin playing this track at sun rise (or during the bloom cycle) and play repeatedly throughout the day for enhanced fractal growth. This track contains UHF ultra-high frequencies, known to stimulate stoma dilation, allowing for the topical application of fertilizers."

To some it might sound farfetched, but vibrational frequencies effect all living things, including me and you. thats why humans cannot live without music, its not so much the music, but what those certain frequencies cause in your body, that is intangible.
I can see vibration from sound being similar to a fan blowing on a plant, making it stronger and such,disrupting the cellular activity.How about grabing a big ole vibrator and shoving it into the pot that might work as well, they are ladies right.. lol
By those descriptions, music will only help if foliar feeding is done... I still have to laugh at the concept of a top 10 album for plants... it's hillarious..
Holy shit let the guy enjoy his thread. I think his intention was for this to be casual light reading but has since been backed into a corner being forced to cite scientific evidence. *Yawn* Go to the comment section of your local online newspaper if you wish to troll for fucksake.

demanding evidence for rediculous claims is not trolling
Just when you thought you had heard it all lol.... IF vibrations help the plant grow then just stick a fan on your plants or have a motor under your table that vibrates it. Music wont vibrate the plants at all unless very loud and or has certain tempo.
Music has been shown to improve plant growth, so how is it 'hilarious' to study which songs work the best?

Seriously, Serapis.. stay out of my threads and i will stay away from you.

I'm sorry you are unhappy, but don't go shi**ing your negativity on me.

I'm not your outlet

Go buy a blow-up love doll or something.
first of all, i would like to say i appreciate you very much guys for havin my back on this one. I won't forget.

but really, we are a COMMUNITY here. We are banding together to further the knowledge of cannabis production for medical and recreational good.

We are pitted against backwards laws and ill informed people all over the world, we are swimming upstream arguing with each other.

Let's make this a place to come together and discuss things civilly, rather than tearing each other down. Life is hard for everyone. There is no need to continue to make it harder on each other.

Plus f
ighting over the internet is like winning the special olympics, even if you get the gold, your still retarded!!! :mrgreen: