Top 10 Songs for Plants and Gardens to Thrive On. Music is Proven to help plants Grow

I am LIGHT YEARS ahead of the toxic herd b/c I have CONSCIOUSNESS
I heard you last month.
Pulsed light has the same effect as sound just at a different harmonic, combined, the two can be really good, the internal harmonics generated by the violin are very good too, its the higher pitches.
I am currently conducting experiments with silent and zen/meditation music
The single tone like from a Tibetan Singing Bowl (which provides its own Octaves) although the amplitude changes, creates harmonics with amazing benefts for people and plants,
i enjoyed using my bowl with for plant stimulation experiments......keep it up Kevin the Great.....for it shall be said......Great the Kevin is.
ya can't beat the beat man..Go with IT
It's Far out and Cosmic Bro...really
I heard you last month.
Pulsed light has the same effect as sound just at a different harmonic, combined, the two can be really good, the internal harmonics generated by the violin are very good too, its the higher pitches.

The single tone like from a Tibetan Singing Bowl (which provides its own Octaves) although the amplitude changes, creates harmonics with amazing benefts for people and plants,
i enjoyed using my bowl with for plant stimulation experiments......keep it up Kevin the Great.....for it shall be said......Great the Kevin is.
ya can't beat the beat man..Go with IT
It's Far out and Cosmic Bro...really
Yeah! FARm OUT man!!!
U R right on with your perceptions! Only IDIOTS and or SATANIC COWARDS/PUNKS/FAGGOTS listen to that 'metal' shit. Satan's kids rule the Earth ATM b/c most 'good' people prefer to do NOTHING when they see evil perpetrated. I have done a test on blessing water and the taste and texture did change. I noticed the texture change more than the taste. I have been practicing what I learned from a Shaman (Excelex) about blessing water since around year 2000. I never get sick, nor do my pets or plants since 1986 b/c I am vegan. Excelex sold me a water restructurer, and I use it for all my water since 2000.I have also learned about conscious water from Dr. Emoto thru the years. He is dead now. I don't do drugs so I am in the wrong place here. I just wanted to back you up and let you know you are not the only one who is CONSCIOUS about water. Cheers...
Namaste brother!!!
You are DISCONNECTED from ALL THAT IS. (religious IDIOTS call it God.)That is why you continue to FAIL at life, just like 99.9% of the 2-legged POS CARNISTS.
Ok yes I'm a failure ..... :(. I'll just sit here in my little hobble contemplating how I could have done better ...... The hobble's view FYI
Mine listen to the grateful dead. They go crazy for , dancing and shit. Once I started playing the dead for my plants yields went up well over 1000% and beyond. They prefer something from 72-74'. But some 80s doesn't hurt much they just don't respond to pig pens voice I can see them cringe.

I tried gangster rap but they got all lazy and tried to go to the dss office as they decided not to work anymore.

Another thing my plants do well with is a good laser light show and a crystal ball. We started dance parties with the plants and fed them a few rolls and boy... Nothing but fire.

In all honesty I have heard music makes your plants grow. Something about harmonics. Having fans blasting on them I'm pretty sure is going to negate any harmonic effect unless you have that radio cranking really high.
I'm to lazy to read every response but they sell some type of product that is supposed to sent harmonic vibrations and help your plants. Never heard of anyone but the seller use one. Seller says yield go up 75% or some bullhockey. It cost a grand or two.

With that cash I'd invest in products that are proven to work. Without birds singing maybe trees wouldn't grow?

With a rifle harmonics will effect your accuracy. Free floating the barrel will allow better vibrations. And your bullet will fly better. The amount is almost non-existent unless you are a marksmen you wouldn't notice any difference. I suspect the plant harmonics to be the very same.
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I also have a hard time believing this, as plants have no auditory capacity. It's pure myth... I talk to my plants all the time though, but I'm just crazy like that ;)
Uhhh… they don't hear like you, but sound is vibration, plants can detect vibration. vibration physically affects things, wet soil is a great conductor of sound vibrations - the soil is subtly disturbed. Your scope of what it takes to "hear" is too narrow. Deaf people can feel music, why wouldn't plants?
that is all BULLSHIT

theres no fuckin way talking nicely to a glass of water will make it "better"

this is like the sungazer thread haha

and about "one-upping" serapis, i HIGHLY doubt u could do that with the kind of "science" u study

Supposedly, it's a thing. Whether it is proven, or believed true or not is another debate.

But I mean, why else is "Holy Water" Holy, or in other cultures Blessed Water, Or Water that is "Prayed" Over, etc. Idk. Just a thought.
Uhhh… they don't hear like you, but sound is vibration, plants can detect vibration. vibration physically affects things, wet soil is a great conductor of sound vibrations - the soil is subtly disturbed. Your scope of what it takes to "hear" is too narrow. Deaf people can feel music, why wouldn't plants?
Deaf people and plants perfect comparison. Of course if deaf people feel vibration plants do. Do the deaf have to stand in wet soil to feel them though? That would suck you might be better off teaching plants sign language, I mean if the deaf can learn it right?
Ahhh the person you're replying to hasn't posted in about ahhh 7 years. I guess he'll never know how far the science of vibration physically affecting things has come.
when I first introduce a male plants to my girls. during breeding projects I will play sledge hammer by peter Gabriel. extremely loud.
10 ft Ganja Plant. Absolutely incredible reggae band. Will become a favorite of yours if you even remotely like jah vibes