Tools of the trade!


Well-Known Member
huh!! this is a very interesting thread. Maximizing each phase of the grow is obviously the main goal. Growing is a sciance and an art. This brix meter sounds like it will be my next purchase. How do you know of this brix meter. I have ben reading books, threads, articles, magazines watchin movies, but have never came across this type of meter till now. Now i have to figure out how my system can incorporate rotating buckets. Great job n thanks for the knowledge.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
In all my years of research, these are the best tools I've acquired in developement of grow techniques.

#1 Brix Meter; "The hand-held Brix meter was originally designed for farmers to know nutrient levels of their produce and when to harvest crops. This precision instrument (refractometer) has a drop or two of the sap (juice) of the produce placed on the glass and held up to the light to read the Brix scale of zero to 32. The higher the Brix reading, the higher the nutrient levels. Total dissolved solids (or Brix) are measured with the Brix meter. The number on its scale indicates the level of balance of nutrient uptake and complexing of sugars or proteins in the photosynthesis factory – the leaf. If Brix is low, even after several hours of sunshine, some element(s) are missing in the photosynthesis factory. Ions, if present, have not been “complexed” into sugars or proteins."
My mason would not be caught dead without his brix meter.